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  • November 07, 2019

 Concept and Scope of Education

Education in India is worship and sacred thing. According to the ancient sages, “Education is the third eye of a person”. It gives insight into all affairs. It teaches him how to act justly and rightly. Education is solution for all our individual, social, national and universal problems. It leads us to our salvation. Education leads to all around progress and well being. The Indian Education Commission (which is known as Kothari Commission) report rightly said that “The destiny of India is now being shaped in her classrooms. This we believe is no more rhetoric. In a world based on science and technology, it is education that determines the level of prosperity, welfare and security of the people. On the quality and number of persons coming out of our schools and colleges will depend our success in the great enterprise of national reconstruction whose principle objective is to raise the standards of living our people”.

                    Etymologically, the term ‘education’ is derived from three Latin words:
                        i.            ‘Educare’: This means ‘to raise’, ‘to nourish’, ‘to bring up’ and ‘to train’.
                       ii.            ‘Educere’: This implies ‘to draw out’, ‘to lead out’.
                      iii.            ‘Educo’: The letter ‘E’ means ‘out of’ and the word ‘duco’ means ‘to lead out’.
Based on the above meaning it can be understand that there are two views on meaning of education i.e.
                           1.         Education is ‘to draw out’ process. It is a ‘growth from within’.
                          2.         Another view on meaning of education is ‘the teaching or training’.
         It is an ‘acquisition of knowledge’. Thus the education is both acquisition of knowledge or art of teaching and the drawing & development of potentialities which already exist in child. It is the development of skills, attitudes, virtues, habits etc.

                                1.         According to Socrates, Education is “dispelling error and discovering truth”. Education means ‘bringing out of the ideas of universal validity which are latent in the mind of every man.
                                2.         Plato says,” Education is the capacity to feel pleasure and plain at the right movement.
                                 3.         Aristotle: “Education is the creation of sound mind in a sound body”.
Indian view on Education:
Education in India is essentially spiritual and sacred thing. There are many terms we can seen in India which are equals the term of education.
                              1.         The term ‘Siksha’ (which equals the term education) is derived from the Sanskrit  verbal root ‘Shas’ which means ‘to discipline’, ‘to teach’, ‘to instruct’ or ‘to control’. By this it is clear that disciplining mind, instructing or teaching is the education.
                             2.         The term ‘Vidya’ (which equals the term education) is also derived from the  Sanskrit verbal root ‘bid’ which means ‘to know’. Thus the word ‘Vidya’ really means ‘knowledge’. Education is the process of acquiring knowledge.
                             3.         The term ‘Sanskara’ (which is equals the term education) also can be seen general way in India. ‘Samyak Aakaram iti samskaram’ which means giving the right shape to an individual. It is clear that modifying or giving the right shape to individual is considered is right education in India. There are 16 samskaras in every individual life. Every modification is treated as samskara and celebrated as sacred rituals which starts before birth and ends after death.
                             Based on above acquisition of knowledge, disciplining the mind, Drawing and developing the innate potentialities and developing virtues and values are considered as meaning of education in India. Education is sacred worship. It is the second birth “Dwityam Janamam
                                   1.         According to the Upanishads, “Saa Vidya ya vimukthaye”. Education is a mean for liberation. It liberates with all evil acts.
                                  2.         The Rigveda regards “education as a force which makes an individual self reliant as well as self less”.
                                 3.         Yagnavalkya: “Education is that which makes a man of good character and useful to the world”.

                                 4.         Koutilya says, ‘Education means training for the country and developing love for it”.
                                 5.         According to Shankaracharya, Education means the realization of the self and attainment of moksha (liberation)”.
                                 6.         Swami Dayananda Saraswathi: “education is a means for character formation and righteous living”.
                                7.         “Purification of the mind and heart”. – Ramakrishna Paramahamasa
                                8.         “Training the intellect, refinement of the heart and discipline of the spirit”.
                                9.         Swami Vivekananda says, “Education is the manifestation of divine perfection existing in man”.
                                10.         Gandhiji defined, “By education I mean an all round drawing of the best in child and man-body, mind and spirit”.
                                11.         Tagore defined, “Education means enabling the mind to find out that ultimate truth which emancipates us from the bondage of the dust and gives us the wealth, not of things but of in her light, not of power but of love, making the truth its own and giving expression to it”.

                                12.         Sarvepalli Radakrishnan, “Training the intellect, refinement of the heart and discipline of the spirit is the education”.

        There are several ways of explaining the nature of education. Education deals with knowledge which leads to quality of understanding.
   Chief Characteristics of the Nature of Education:
                                  1.         Education is Purposive: There is a definite purpose underlying all educational activities.
                                 2.         Education is Deliberate: Education involves care and guide.
                                 3.         Education is planned activity: All the educational process is systematic and planned.
                               4.         Education is life-long and continuous: An education begins from birth and it ends till death.
                              5.         Education is mature persons (Parents, teachers) influence on learners.
                             6.         Education is Balanced Development: Education is concerned with the development of all faculties of the child.
                             7.         Education is Tri-polar: Education involves the teacher, the student and social environment. Society also influence on modification of child behavior.
                             8.         Education is Psychological as well as social: Education helps in development of higher and broader state of mind and it develops social efficiency among childrens. 

i)  Narrow meaning of Education:
           Education means only specific influences and experiences which are deliberately planned to modify the behavior of the child. Schooling is education in narrow sense. Narrow meaning of education usually implies imparting information or giving instruction, or schooling or training, or making people literate or teaching or preparing for trade or vocation. Education is confined to class room educational experiences only. It ends with acquiring certificates.

Narrow meaning of Education Includes:
       a)     Narrow type of education is imparted in planned institutions like schools.
       b)    It is limited to the teaching of ready-made material.
       c)     Education is regarded as synonymous with instruction. 
       d)    It is deliberate, conscious and systematic influence exerted by the mature person i.e., the teacher, on the immature person i.e., the child.
       e)     This type of education is intentional rather than incidental.
       f)       Knowledge is considered as the accumulated experience of the human race. It is more or less fixed.
ii)  Wider Meaning of Education:
                    According to this view, Education is life-long and continuous process where modification of behavior will be seen progressively. It is universally accepted that an individual begins education or learning when he/she starts ‘breath’ and continuous till ‘cremation’. It includes all influences, direct and indirect, formal and informal, deliberate or incidental, planned or unplanned. We learn whether we are conscious of this fact or not. Education includes all influences- cultural, domestic, economic, geographical, political, religious, social and spiritual.
Wider meaning of Education Includes:
      a)     The process of education is a life-long process, from infancy to death or from ‘womb to womb’.
      b)    It includes experiences gained through the various formal and informal agencies of education. Child can learn from home, school, temple, cinema, club, press, travel, friends, physical and social environments.
      c)     Every experience is said to be educative.
      d)    We receive education many a time when we are not conscious.

                    Education is considered to be a process which contributes to the natural and harmonious development of man’s innate powers, brings about complete development of his individuality, results into desirable behavior changes and ultimately prepares him for good life.
Various views on process of education are under following:
i)  Edcation as Unipolar process:
                   The process of education in the ancient period it may be east or west can see education as uni-polar process. Ancient education considered as teacher centered education. Teacher plays an active role in the educational process.
                    Modern education is also uni-polar process but the difference is now it is child-centered education. All the educational activities are for modification of behavior of the child. New child-centered innovative techniques and apparatus are using to create effectiveness in the educational process. Here student is active and encouraging him in participation of educational activities. Student is focal point in the educational process in the modern education.
                    Adams pointed out that the activity of the educator and educand pole comes to a point of redistribution when the child tries to acquire certain skills and knowledge or develops a pattern of behavior. Here teacher is nothing but a means by which the child educates himself. Teacher is no more in the foreground. Thus education becomes unipolar.
ii)  Education as Bi-polar process:
                    According to Sir John Adams, Education is a Bi-polar process. In this process both the educator (teacher) and educand (student) are involved. There is an interaction between these two persons i.e. educator (teacher) & educand (student) and results of their efforts in education.
           Educator or Teacher  --------------------------------    Educand or Student
                    Education in this way becomes a ‘shared activity’ or sharing of experiences. Both the teacher and student influence each other. The personality of the teacher modifies the behavior of the student.
iii)  Education as a Tri-polar process:
                     According to John Dewey, Education is a Tri-polar process. The modern concept of education is said to be ‘three dimensional’. The process of education contains three poles namely 1. The Teacher, 2. The Child, 3. The Society.

Fig: Education as Tri-polar Process
                     The Tri-polar process of education is involving the interaction of the personality of the teacher of that of the student in a social setting which affects the modification of the behavior of the student. A system of education devoid of its social significance is not complete. Society provides directions, channels, goals and material to educational activities. In return, it expects from us to contribute to its progressive development.

                     SCOPE OF EDUCATION

                    Scope education is as vast as life itself. There is no aspect or dimension of life which is not covered under education. In fact all education is life and all life is education. Education is a life-long process. Education is formal, non-formal and informal. Education is concerned from aesthetic, cultural, ethical, intellectual, physical, religious, social, spiritual and vocational development of the individual. Education has moved away from preparing pupils to fit into a particular society but it seeks to make them feel that they belong to the larger world family.
The following are may be included under the scope of education:
        1.   Aims of Education: As we know that education is planned and purposeful activity where aims are playing very important role in the education. Without an end or objective no purposeful activity will have that real force which directs it and makes it meaningful. Philosophical, psychological and sociological principles are determinates of aims of education. Self realization, liberation, character formation, development of social efficiency, citizenship, training, personality development etc. are the aims of education.
       2.   Curriculum: The Curriculum is the ‘sum total of educational experiences’. Curriculum can be considered as total of learning experiences provided to the child in the educational institution. Curriculum can be constructed based on the nature, interest, need and aspiration of the child and society. Philosophical and sociological principles help in effective construction of curriculum.
       3.   Methods of Teaching: Modern education involves in discovering and implementing the innovative methods and techniques for effective educational process. Question and answer method, problem solving method, Inductive & deductive method, play – way method, activity method, project method etc. are some of the examples for methods of teaching.
      4.   The Teacher: Teacher plays key role in the educational process. All most all philosophers, psychologists, scholar’s opinion that the teacher should play the wise and ideal role in the success of education. Education discusses about various ways of teacher role for effective education. It is expected that there should be good, favorable and parental relationship between teacher and student.
      5.   The Student: The essence of education as all round development of the student. Physical, mental, social, emotional, ethical, economical and spiritual development is expected. The student should have the curious state of mind and interests towards learning or acquiring knowledge. Modern education expecting that the student should be active and participate in all teaching learning activities and attain aim of education i.e. integral development. Encouraging self-learning.
      6.   Discipline: Discipline also plays silent role in the modification of behavior of the child. All the philosophies explained discipline in their own way. Idealism emphasizes discipline in the educational process. But Naturalism denied the discipline and proposed natural discipline. And Pragmatism explains importance of self accepted discipline for effective education. 
     7.   Education deals with problems and issues of education such as vocationalization of education, population education, moral education, non-formal education, technical education, national integration, universal education, environmental education etc.
     8.   There are many new subjects evolved from education such as philosophy of education, sociology of education, educational psychology, economics of education etc which provides bases for education.

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