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  • November 30, 2019

Ahimsa’ was the motto of ancient India. The religions originated in India like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism have been preaching values since centuries. Our country is known for values and the value based practices is all walks of our lives. Practice of Dharma was insisted. Our people have sacrificed everything even the life to stick on to the values. But the present situation is different. People are ready to harm to any extent with selfish motives. They are hesitant even to kill people if they are benefited. Such instances are happening in almost every day.
                    Sympathy, kindness, truthfulness, honesty, duty, mindedness etc. are a few to mention. But at present mobilization, westernization, urbanization, industrialization are influencing the people like anything. As a result value crisis has emerged in almost all fields.
1. Value Crisis in the Family:
                 Family is regarded as ancient, universal social institution right from our civilization. Even in family there are some values to be followed. Our family system is very strong. The patriarchal system was prevalent in our country, though there are stray cases existing the matriarchal system. Previously at least two to three generations lived together under one roof. In a joint family system, the values like care, kindness, sympathy, adjustment, sharing, love, affection, control, obedience help etc. are some of the values practiced. Even the grandparents used to teach children about the need for values and their importance informally. Religion was another strong agency influences the people right from the family level. These things control the younger ones in adhering the values. Thus the family acts as the basis for value development. This system is disappearing now and nuclear family system has emerged. The present people are becoming narrow minded, selfish and self-centered. The relationship between the blood relatives or the husband and the wife including the children are weakening. More number of divorces are taking place. Old age homes, day care centre’s came into existence. The life is becoming miserable particularly for the aged, diseased, dependents. It is becoming more and more materialistic and mechanical.
2. Value Crisis in Society:
                The society, where all the people of that society give importance to values, that can be considered as value based society. Our tradition has regarded the entire human society as one family. It has become an unbelievable fact that people dedicate themselves for the welfare of the society or well being of the people. At present the values are degrading in the society. People are considered as one race irrespective of their origin, position, status, economic position as self. Self-realization and self actualized were regarded as prime values of life. Now the society is being divided on the basis of caste, religion, language, region etc. The people are becoming more and more selfish with strong personal motives and endanger to the society. Selfishness is being replaced by selflessness or sacrifice, violence is replaced by peace, wrong by right, bad by good etc. People are being exploited like anything bribery, immorality, corruption etc. are on the increase. The present leaders are taking the advantage to protect their own people by violating the law or against to the principles of that society by taking the power into their hands.
3. Value Crisis in Politics:
                    Previously people entered into the field of politics to serve the people. They spend their property and strength for the well being of the society. All that was the past, in the present politics it is very difficult to trace out even a single leader untouched by immorality or the crime or injustice. The very nature of present elections involves money, alcohol, ragging and violence. Only the people with criminal history are entering the field of politics and protected by the mafia and intern try to protect the mafia for their survival. These people make the laws for their own protection and continuation it their positions. Previously the politicians are revered by the public and put all the efforts to solve the problems of the public or common people. They dug wells and water tanks and laid the river etc. they protected the innocent and needy. But the present politicians are converting these lands of tanks into house sites and enchroaching the public places, thousands of hectares of public lands to make money out of it. The leaders in position are struggling hard not only for the present generation but also for their successive generations to continue in that field. They want to lay the strong foundation for their children also. They recognized that it is an easy way to earn money and property by exploiting the people and violating the law and order. They treat the public property as if it is their own property and they have every right over it either to sell it out or enjoy or both for centuries together. They also try to train their kith and kin to enjoy not only their family property but the country’s property. Thus there is value crisis I the field of politics also.
4. Value Crisis in Ethics:
                 There is a saying that the person who sticks on to the ethical principles stands for ever. There won’t be any defeat for that person at any point of time. But the scene is entirely different now. The person, who stands for morals cannot survive in any position or succeed in life. This is the present motto of life. He will be made as a escape boat by all. People regard the individual as a fool. In general people preach all sorts of morals on the stage or in their speech but practice nothing. These values are confined only to teach to others but not for them. They refine values, which suit to their own benefit. They treat whatever they think, they do is correct. They argue that their practices are valid and taken for granted. They take everything into their hands. At the same time they expect everybody to be lawful and obey time thus the people expect something from others and follow something else. This leads to value crisis.
5. Value Crisis in Education:
                 The education is nothing but shaping the individuals in the righteous manner. But the system of education is slowly moving into the hands of private people. It is being commercialized. They adopt all sorts of malpractices to attract the parents and get high percentage of both results and marks. They pay less and extract more from the teachers. In almost all the institutions, the required number and qualified teachers are shown only on the records but the real scenario is different. Every aspect is mismanaged. The relationship between the teacher and the student is weakened. In the name of payment seats, management seats, they are earning money. Some institutions even canvas that the students need not attend to the institution either to the classes or examinations but would get the certificates if they pay more money. Fake universities are coming up and issuing the certificates. Even mass copying is also allowed through bribing authorities of the examination or coaching centers. This is the state of affairs at present. No recognition for the really talented. Thus the very purpose of education is totally ignored.

6. Value Crisis in Technology:
                     It is a well known fact that the technology has changed the entire living patterns of the people and making things much more easier. Due to knowledge explosion and technological revolution people are leading their lives more comfortably. But there is other side of the corn which requires to be taken coin of. At present everybody is using cell phones, computers, media etc. computers have entered into every field of life. Though the internet is useful in making things easier, but the use of internet has some negative consequences also. People are prone for misuse of cell phones, internet, web technology etc. particularly the youth are prone of such practices. There is an increase in Cyber crime, tracking, cracking etc. technology is also helpful for terrorists and other antisocial elements. Always it should be used only for constructive purposes but not for destruction. Thus the value system is being affected by the use of technology. Even the environmental pollution is the consequence of indiscriminate use of modern technology and technological gadgets. This is creating dreadful hazards like global warming, which is threatening the existence of life on earth.
7. Value Crisis in Media:
                     The media has an effective impact in providing the information so quickly to the masses. But both the electronic and print media, which includes TV, newspaper, books etc. are educating the people in various ways. There are some channels which are informative. Always the bad things are more powerful than the good ones. The media is influencing the values, beliefs, traditions, customs, attitudes, feelings etc. in a negative manner. Because of commercialized tendency of the media people to attract more, they are adopting unacceptable practices in their programmes. Since it is reaching vastly and so quickly and easily, particularly the youth are more fascinated by them. Even the children develop newer images. Particularly the younger ones are targeted by this. Since there is competency among different channels of television, there is increasing absurd things in various programmes that are being telecasted. Some are even objectionable if they are perceived from ethical point of view. There is value crisis in innumerable ways like dress, language, increased violence, crime etc. as a result the next generations will develop the negative tenderizes to the existing value patterns there is possibility to become crocked and rough and tough instead of sensitive and peaceful even the cinema is also having the similar impact over us.
                     The above mentored are some important areas where value crisis emerge. But in all walks of our lives, activities, constructions, food, habits, rituals, social institutions etc. involve values, people think that violating the tradition is modernity. It is not corrects until the values are protected, it can be practiced and they can invite any practice into their lives. But it is not happening now people should be awakened from these negative influences.
At work place if something happens suddenly to disturb the smooth running of the organization, it can be called as organizational crisis. To say in other words hurting or disturbing the employees of an organization can be considered as Crisis. Whenever it happens or when it occurs, it has its influence on the person, group or the entire community. It affects the total functioning or well being of the society at large.

Characteristics of the Crisis:
              1.     The series of incidents the affects the functioning of an organization.
              2.     Usually crisis is confined to a short period only.
              3.     Due to crisis people feel fear and insecurity.

Factors that lead to crisis:
The following are some of the factors responsible for crisis.
                1.     Due to technical reasons, sometime the machinery does not work or stuck up may be lead to Crisis. The problems in functioning of internet, power failure, accidents etc. which happens unexpectedly.
              2.     Environmental hazards like cyclones, floods, earthquakes etc. which happens by nature and which is not under our control.
               3. Lack of co-operation and co-ordination among the workers of an institution or conflicts between different groups of people either of the same institution or between different institutions.
              4.     Bribing, revealing the confidential matters, cheating etc may lead to crisis.
            5.     The debts of an organization if they are not repaid properly and declaring that it cannot pay, this may lead to crisis.
           6.     Sometimes some issues are very small at the beginning and later on may become very big issues, which cannot be solved very big problems in later period.
             7.     Some people, who do not like the prosperity of an organization or well being of a person may spread some rumors to unpopularize with some selfish motive. Even this may be a reason for crisis.
           8.     Indiscriminate firing, mixing up of poisonous materials in drinking water, land mining, blasting of bombs, terrorist activities are some of the made factors that lead to crisis.
              9.     Decisions of politicians or the government may lead to strikes or agitations, which has the social repurcusions.

Need for Crisis Management:

Since crisis is an unexpected incident that happens suddenly. For example the flood at Kedarnath of Himalayan region or recent Telangana agitation or movist activities are some of the incidents which led to crisis. Since it happens suddenly it is very much necessary to know the rescue operations to bring the situation to normal and restore the peace.
             1.     Crisis management means to face the unexpected event that happens suddenly either in an organization or society or over an individual. The problems that arise out of this situation should befaced boldly and with strong confidence to restore peace.
             2.     When crisis arises, the factors that led to the crisis should be analyzed intellectually and efficiently should be tackled to solve and bring the situation to normal as early as possible.
           3.     People should develop the mentality to face any situation with strong motives and work efficiently by adjusting to that situation. Such mental calibse should be there among the workers and even among the public to face any consequence without any loss or minimizing the loss.
           4.     This crisis management will help to see the problems that may arise in future and prevents as far as possible or minimize the loss to the possible extent.
               5.     This helps to protect the people and materials without damage and smooth functioning of the community or an organization.

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