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  • November 25, 2019


             According to James S. Ross, “Adolescence is best regarded as recapitulation of the first period of life. The adolescent no longer exhibits the stability that marked his later childhood. He is badly adjusted physically and mentally, being clumsy and awkward physically and extremely moody in his behavior. Living under the delusion that he is the focus of everyone’s attention, he is extremely self-conscious and is given to blushing in a word like the infant, he has to begin again the work of adapting himself to his environment”.
             Moreover, adolescence is a period of rapid growth, development and change and therefore is most likely to be accompanied by a number of difficulties and problems. It is because of these that adolescence has been called a period of stress and strain.
              The adolescent has many needs which are peculiar to his stage of development. If his needs are not satisfied, the adolescent faces problems. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the teachers and the parents to see that the needs of the adolescent are properly satisfied.

Fundamental needs and problems of adolescence:
                                              1.     The Problem of Rapid Growth and Development: The characteristic of rapid growth and development at this stage itself creates a big problem for the adolescent. The change is so rapid and sudden that he finds it difficult to properly cope with it. He is neither a child nor an adult and therefore feels awkward in the company of others. This poses adjustment problems for him. The remedy lies in providing congenial and understanding environment. 
                                              2.     The Problem of Sex: James S. Ross says, “Sex then is the fundamental fact of adolescence if not of all life”. Slaughter says, “Like the overflow of a great river it irrigates and fertilizes great tracts of life’s territory and the whole business of adolescent education is the long circuiting of the instinct, the redirection of its energy into legitimate and useful channels, but it is not so easy”.
              Sexual energy poses a number of problems like anxiety a feeling of guilt and adjustment problems. Because of social taboos, the sexual energy cannot find the desired outlets and consequently the sexual feelings are repressed. These repressed feelings may often outburst into undesirable behavior or often, otherwise may cause mental imbalance or abnormality. The individual may become introvert and lose all interest in outer world. If so, it is a case for the psychiatrist to tackle.
               The remedy is not to repress but to sublimate the sexual instinct. This means channelizing the sexual energy for the attainment of some desirable objectives, specially in the field of art or literature. Physical exercise and keeping busy also helps in solving this problem.
                                            3.     The Problem of Emotional Instability: An adolescent is emotionally highly unstable. He experiences intense emotional feelings. These mood-swings are quite normal with the adolescents, but if these are more frequent and are extremely intense in nature they may be an indication of a deep sense of dissatisfaction or frustration. May be that his emotions are being thwarted, resulting in frustration and instability of mind.
      What is needed is that the parents and the teachers should try to understand the feelings and emotions of the adolescents and should try to satisfy them. The remedy lies in the psychological understanding of the adolescent s and fulfilling their needs and emotional requirements.
                                             4.     The Problem of a Sense of Insecurity: For a balanced development of personality a feeling of security is absolutely essential. Generally children at the adolescent stage are dependent upon their parents for the fulfillment of their needs. They have physical needs, intellectual needs, emotional needs, needs regarding recreation and needs regarding their friends or social needs. All of these may not be important from the point of view of children. If all such needs are not properly satisfied and if they are refused point-blank, they begin to experience a sense of insecurity, a feeling that they are not being looked after properly. This feeling of insecurity is very damaging for the balanced development of personality and may lead to serious psychological problems.
      Therefore, it is imperative for the teachers and especially the parents that the various types of needs and requirements of the children are properly attended to. The remedy lies in handling the adolescents psychologically.
                                                   5.     The Problem of Proper Adjustment: A balanced personality is a well adjusted personality. An individual is required to adjust to his total environment. For an adolescent, it means adjustment with parents and other members of the family, adjustment with the teachers and the educational institution, adjustment with society etc. Due to the reasons inherent in the adolescent and prevailing in the environment and society, the adolescent experiences a number of adjustment problems. For example, the generation gap between the parents and children causes serious problems of adjustment, the taboos the moral code prevailing in the society is generally not acceptable to the adolescents, mainly because of their high sense of idealism and hatred for the rituals and false values of life. The basic reason of the clash is that nobody is willing to see the point of view of the other or perhaps, they find it difficult to understand each other. This clash of values results in serious problems of maladjustment and heavy mental strain for the adolescent.
      The remedy perhaps lies in allowing more freedom to the adolescent, because it is his natural craving to think and act independently at this stage. The necessary guidance may be given, but very tactfully and indirectly. Let the adolescent take his own decisions and enjoy freedom of course within limits.
                                                  6.     The Problem of Lack of Maturity: Another important problem of the adolescent is that though he lacks experience and maturity, he is not ready to accept his fact. He definitely has his own intelligence and he has begun to see the world form his own point of view; he is naturally craving of independent thinking and in his actions; he has formed a lot of ideals and ventures to transform the whole society, but the difficulty is that he lacks maturity which is by-product of experience. This seriously affects his judgments and there is a clash between the idealism of adolescent and the realism of the environment. This leaves the adolescent bewildered and confused.
      Guidance therefore, is very essential at this stage because experience and maturity is something that you cannot buy or borrow. The rashness of adolescent must be subdued by the maturity of the adult.
                                                 7.     The Problem of Social Values: Every society has its own customs and traditions, which it wants to maintain and perpetuate. Every individual has to follow these social values or social code of conduct. But the adolescent may not see eye to eye with these social values which are out of date and therefore; superfluous. His independent of thinking may come into clash with the prevailing values. But he is told that he has to accept the traditions and values of society. This clash of values produces various types of complexes in the mind of the adolescent.
       This is indeed a very serious problem because the values and traditions of society are so powerful that the individual has to bow before them. And if he does not do so, he may have to face social disgrace. The situation can be remedied only if the society begins to take a liberal view regarding these things. After all the society will progress only if certain modifications are accepted and incorporated in it. The outmoded traditions must be discarded and new and reformed customs must be incorporated if the society is to make any progress. The adolescent also must try to understand the usefulness and utility of social values and thus try to adjust with the society in which they are living.
                                               8.     The Problem of Economic Independence: Economic independence is fundamental to the development of a balanced personality. It is rather a condition of existence. An adolescent wants to be independent in almost everything more so in the case of money matters. The educationists in India seem to have paid little attention to this fact. It is not essential that the individual should take up some vocation at the adolescence stage, but it extremely essential that there should be a bright prospect before them. In precise terms we may say that jobs should be guaranteed utterly lacks in this respect. The adolescent is not sure about his future even after spending a number of years at studies. This adds to the frustration of the youth.
      The remedy lies in educational and economic planning. In an underdeveloped country like India, it is difficult to provide jobs to everyone. If everyone is guaranteed suitable job, most of the problems of adolescents will automatically be solved.

Need for a Special Study of Adolescence Period:
             The adolescent is neither a child nor an adult. This fact is often omitted by the teachers and parents. At one moment they call him to be young to take an independent decision and interfere with his plans off and on at the other moment they look down upon him if he is unable to arrive at a decision which they expect from him.
              There is need for making a special study of this period because at this period the cases of delinquency are maximum. The child learns to smoke and to run away from school. The teachers can apply correct remedial measures only when they are able to clearly understand the main characteristics of this period.
              At this period sexual urge becomes predominant and hetero-sexual love develops. The type of sex education which is to be given and the sexual adjustment which is to be facilitated should be clearly understood by the teachers and parents.

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