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  • November 19, 2019

         I.            First ICT tools help to support cognitive processes be reducing the memory load of a student and by encouraging awareness of the problem solving process.
      II.            Second, it can share the cognitive road by reducing the time that students spend on computation.
   III.            Third, it allows the students to engage in subject topic that would otherwise be out of reach thereby stretching student opportunities.
Definitions of ICT:
                    ICTs are often associated with the most sophisticated and expensive computer based technologies. But ICTs also encompass the more conventional technologies such as radio, television and telephone technology. While definitions ICT re varied. It might be useful to accept the definitions of provided by UNDP (United Nations Development Program) ICT’s are basically information-handling tools a varied set of goods, applications and services that are used to produce, store process, distribute and exchange information.
A) Benefits for Students:
Ø ‘Higher Quality Lessons’ through greater collaboration between teachers in planning and preparing resources.
Ø ‘More focused teaching’ tailored to student’s strengths and weakness, through better analysis.
Ø Improved pastoral care and behavior management through better tracking of students.
Ø Gains in understanding and analytical skills, including improvements in reading comprehension.
Ø Development in writing skills (Including spelling, grammar, punctuation, editing and re-drafting) also fluency, originality and elaboration.
Ø Encouragement of independent and active learning and self-responsibility for learning.
Ø Flexibility of anytime, anywhere access.
Ø Development of higher level learning styles.
Ø Students who used E.T. in school have increased self confidence and self esteem.
Ø Felt more successful in school, were more motivated to learn.
Ø Students found learning in a technology enhanced setting more stimulating and student- centered than in traditional classroom.
Ø Broadband technology supports the reliable and uninterrupted downloading of web based educational multimedia resources.
Ø Opportunities to address their work to an external audience.
Ø Opportunities to collaborate on assignments with people inside or outside the school.
      B) Benefits for Teachers:
     Ø ICT facilitates sharing of resources, expertise and advertise.
     Ø Greater flexibility in when and where tasks are carried out.
     Ø Gains in ICT literally skills, confidence and enthusiasm.
     Ø Easier planning and preparation of lessons and designing materials.  
     Ø Access to up-to-date pupil and school data, anything and anywhere.
     Ø Enhancement of professional image projected to colleagues.
     Ø Computer use during lessons motivated students to continue using learning outside school hours.
     Ø Students are generally more ‘on-task’ and express more positive feelings when they use computer then when they are given other tasks to do.
C) Benefits for Parents:
     Ø Easier communication with teacher.
     Ø Higher quality students reports-more legible more detailed, better presented.
     Ø Greater access to more accurate attendance.
     Ø Increased involvement of parents in their children’s learning and capabilities.
     Ø ICT has positive impact across a very wide range of aspects of school life.
                    ICT can be integrated in teaching learning process. It can be used in mastering learning skills. Learning skills are the reading and thinking skills requisite to any task be those necessary to define, analyze, solve and report on a  problem in a disciplined and independent way. For good learning skills/teachers/one must be aware of ICT technologies.
                   Newspapers are great source especially for teachers they can used as teaching material to develop students language skills they can be used effectively for a wide range of levels from elementary  to advanced, either interpreting them or using them as they are. Newspapers are useful different subjects and courses especially geography, history, literature, language classes etc. But we should know how to find this information.
                    It is often said that academic success starts at the library. Many libraries have a system of classification according to topics and issues. We can easily find our way in searching this information. The committed teachers can design exercises to develop reading comprehension, critical thinking skills, writing skills, grammar skills, vocabulary, map/chart, reading skills, geographic skills, social study skills and more.
                    Teacher should be careful with the way how to organic certain activity, using them. In planning a lesson using a newspaper the teacher should take care of the length of the article, paragraph and the complexity of the language, the density of the information, the subject matter and content, the time available and the level of the students.
                   Students should be encouraged to mark more on the internet for educational purposes (as it is the source of knowledge) helps in collecting information about educational opportunities provided by universities etc. Improves students’s aspiration, academic achievement. Administrations should provide free facility of use of internet in colleges and universities so that those students for whom internet is an expensive device and those who cannot use internet because of too much distance from their home. They can use it for their academic and other purposes.
                   The phrase “Education for all” can only be achieved if there is internet access for everyone.
                   Generally there are two types of interpersonal communications supported by internet i.e. online and offline.
Online and Offline:
 Online communication- It requires both the sender and receiver to exist at a place and at the same time. If one is absent the message would not reach the other end.
Example: Telephone
Offline communication- It requires only the sender or receiver while sending or receiving the message respectively.
Example: Postal System
                    Internet supports online, offline and sometimes both simultaneously more over internet supports multiple senders and multiple receivers in both online and offline model.
Email (Electronic Mail)
Chat (Online Chat)
Internet applications:
                   Internet technology which is a reflection of the spirit of human being (a product of their minds, hearts and imagination) is a source of knowledge for educationists, teachers, scientists and students.
                   It is used for evaluation purpose example: National open school is conducting examinations and evaluating them through the internet.
                   It is a good source of getting information about educational opportunities provided by universities, colleges and other organization and individuals. Its usage also helps in improving educational aspirations of college students.
                    Email is an offline internet application used by majority of internet users and mostly used for formal communication purposes. Internet based chat applications supports both online and offline and often it is used for informal online communication. Email and chat are available as free of cost and paid services with same feature differences.
                  Yahoo, Google, Hotmail, MSN, Rediff and Skype like companies offer these services free of change.
                  Internet discussion forum is another commonly used application that supports online and offline but stores every conversation for other to know. These increases student’s academic participation and other academic performances public discussion forums (Ex- www.sukhdukh.com) have messages posted by any registered use internet.
                   Private discussion forums are created for use within an organization or a user group to exchange information (Ex- www.groups.com,www.yahoo.com ). Other than communication purposes, internet is information (text, images, audio and video) sharing network and search engine is an application widely used to locate the information easily
Information and Communication technology:
                   It was limited only to the textual mode of transmission of information with ease and fast but the information which is not only in textual form but in audio, video or any other media is also to be transmitted to the users thus the ICT=IT + Other Media. It has opened new avenues like online learning, e-learning, virtual university e-coaching, e-education, e-journal, mobile learning etc.
Use of ICT in Teaching:
                   Teaching at school as well as higher education, concentrates on giving information, which is not the sole objective of teaching along with giving information.
The important objectives of ICT are:
        Ø Developing understanding and application of the concepts.
        Ø Developing communication skills.
        Ø Developing reasoning and thinking power.
        Ø Development of decision making ability.
        Ø Improving comprehension, sped and vocabulary.
        Ø Developing proper study habits
        Ø Developing tolerance, ambiguity, risk taking, capacity, scientific temper etc.
        Ø In the present scenario it is difficult to achieve all these multi dimensional objectives using multiple methods. ICT can fill this gap and provides access to.
        Ø Different sources of information.
        Ø Provides correct information as comprehensive as possible indifferent formats with different examples with online interacting facility.
        Ø Also provides vanity in the presentation of content which helps learners in concentration, better understanding, long retention etc.
        Ø Learners can work on only live project with learners and experts from other countries – The super highway and cyber space also help in qualitative improvement of teaching – learning process.
        Ø ICT provides flexibility to learner which is dented by traditional methods. Flexibility is a must for mastering in any subject.
Use of ICT in diagnostic testing:
                    There are students who fail to understand certain concepts or retain certain information. This is can be assessed by introducing the diagnosis in the process of teaching-learning. Due to large class size non availability of diagnostic tests, lack of training, money and desire on the part of teacher etc. this is not being done. ICT is the remedy for this. For example: Sansanwal and Lulla have developed computer based diagnostic testing in chemistry &mathematics. These were used in identifying gray area of each and every student.
                   This can be put on the website of school and the student can asses it from home also. The student can prepare a topic/chapter and can take the rest to find out exactly what he has not understood. The student progress can be monitored and his performance can be improved. This will develop confidence in students and may change their attitude towards the subject. This may help in reducing the suicidal tendency among students. Students may start enjoying learning.
Computer based diagnostics test has following advantages:
       Ø They do not require any special setting or arrangement, the only requirement is computation systems and software.
       Ø The students can asses it ever from home if made available on school website.
       Ø They do not need any special assistance from teacher as in paper pencil test.
       Ø Saves time both for teacher and student.
       Ø Feedback is immediate which gives intrinsic reinforcement to the learner.
       Ø Test can be updated from time to time.
       Ø It is economical of in terms of money.
Use of ICT in remedial teaching:
                    Once the ICT used for diagnostic purpose, the next step is it can used for giving immediate remedial programme for individual students. It may be online offline. The instructional material is designed specifically for meeting the individual needs of students and uploaded on the school website and then the ICT can be used for providing remedial teaching programme.
Use of ICT in Psychological testing:
                    Through research some correlates of academic achievement have been studied. Rarely this information is used by school or college teachers. Many teachers do not make use of this for forming the groups for different academic activities. One of the main reason is that school or college does not have a trained psychologist, lack of psychological test process of testing is also laborious. So all the psychological tests (including this coring and evaluation) can be digitalized and made available on the website and this facilitates usage for both staff and students.
 Use of ICT in developing virtual laboratory:
                   Laboratory helps in understanding of concepts better, makes learning easy and testing, develops scientific temper etc. But prevailing conditions are different at school and college level. There are many restrictions under which students have to work in a laboratory. A virtual laboratory is solution for this. It provides freedom to students. The student can manipulate any attribute or variable related to the experiment and can see how it affects the outcome. Suppose a student wants to study the factors that can affect the focal length of a mirror. At present, in the real laboratory the student cannot manipulate many variables that he thinks might be negated. But virtual laboratory can provide lots of freedom to the student. That is, student can take different types and shapes of objects, change the thickness of the mirror etc and can see how such attributes affect the focal length of the mirror. The virtual laboratory can be developed using ICT. It may be made available at the doorstep of each and every student by uploading it on the website.
Use of ICT in online tutoring:
                   The digital technology has broken the boundaries between countries. In online tutoring student stays at home he logs on his tutor through the use of internet he can clarify his doubts through face to face interaction which results in sharing of resources also. Not only online tutoring but some of the students do outsource their assignments. These assignments are completed by teachers of other country.
Use of ICT in developing reasoning and thinking:
                   Web based instruction (WBI) can be developed with the help ICT most of the educational institutions do not pay attention to the development of reasoning and thinking. These abilities once developed can help individuals for solving day to day problems, which leads to the quality of life. Thus ICT is used for developing WBI in any subject or for facilitating reasoning and thinking.
Use of ICT in developing Instructional materials:
                   To use the services of experts in any subjects digitalized lectures can be uploaded on any website and students and teachers can access any lecture they like e-content is another form of digitalized lecture. To bring quality in teacher education competent teachers are developing e-content in their own areas of specialization.
                  Information and Communication Technology plays a vital and growing role in research. In its simple form it is used (to gather, collate and disseminate information) in selecting the topic till the project/thesis submission.
v To ascertain the amount or research done in particular field of study.
v To know the suggestions for further research etc. internet can be used.
v Appropriate tool that can be selected for gathering information.
                   The paper pencil tests which are now used in classroom teaching lack content validity, they are administered for group. Teachers evaluate this after specific period of time. So they cannot give immediate feedback to the students. But ICT enables the assessments of student learning through online examination for which there is possibility for immediate knowledge of the result.
                   ICT enables the assessments of students learning, both or either for achievement or competitive purpose. A common sight of a competitive examination is to have an optical mark reader answer sheet for quick computerized scoring procedures.
                    Knowledge is likely to become the most valued asset of all future, societies, since it can help in generation of all other assets. In this age information explosion, ICT alone can keep track of fast moving developments in different disciplines. ICTs have come to occupy an important place in respect of information storage, retrieval and dissemination. ICT has become a boon to the field of publication.                                 Book published by different authors are now available in websites even the encyclopedias are now seen in Internet. School/College newsletters are now stored online. Thus the vast potentiality of computers to store, process and even interpret information now being used in libraries and information resource centers in all advanced educational system. They maintain computer-assisted devices like audio-phonetic dictionaries, video science, encyclopedias etc.

The various components involved in rich presentation
                                       1.        Text matter presentation
                                       2.        Animation presentation
                                       3.        Graphic presentation
                                      4.        Audio presentation
                                      5.        Video presentation
Computer aided teaching has become popular now a days
·        The notes, printed textbooks can be digitalized with the help of computer technology.
·        Many e-books are available on websites developed by different publishers.
·        Encyclopedia is also available on internet.
                   ICT provides several facilities and possibilities for educational administrators to do their tasks. (The various research studies conducted in the extent of usage of ICT in administration revealed that technology is utilized in planning, in supervision and evaluation of academic affairs, student affairs financial affairs and administrative affairs).
                  Computer can be used extensively for educational administration the following are some of the computers can be used for effective educational administration.
Ø General administration
Ø Pay roll and financial accounting
Ø Administration of student data
Ø Inventory management
Ø Personal records maintenance
Ø Library system
Technology can be used right from student administration to various resource administration, in an education institution.
The various ways of introducing technology in educational institution and administration are:
·        Sending email notices and agendas to staff, rather than painting and distributing them.
·        Submission of lesson plans through email.
·        Faster technology growth by asking parents to write email addresses on medical forms.
·        Insist that all the teachers create a class webpage.
·        Attend technology conferences to see what other schools are doing to integrate technology and what head of the institutions are doing to encourage the use of technology in their schools and classrooms.
·        Admissions through web-enabled services.
·        All day-to-day activities of the institution (General administration)
·        Staff administration.
         ICT enhances day-to-day management of institutions and the various functional areas in which it could be used are specified below.
·        Time tabling
·        Student admission
·        Financial management
·        Medical services
·        Procurement and store management
·        Data distribution and management
·        ICT is used to maintenance of student and staff records.
·        Communication & for online discussion forums.
·        Document management.
·        Facilitation contact and
·        Information exchange
·        Promotes access to higher education etc.
           ·        Employees register
           ·        Library record
           ·        Dead stock register
           ·        Progress report
           ·        Student register
           ·        Placement cell
           ·        Alumni record
           ·        School campus record
           ·        Finance and Accounts
           ·        Time table
                    ICT included systems for student admissions and records, examination results, finance database, human resources database and management information.
                    Literature reviews reveal that information administration is one part of overall administration of educational institutions – which includes four major components namely:
            ·        Student administration
            ·        Staff administration
            ·        General administration
                   Student administration is an important and integral part of information administration. This involves various activities commencing from the admission process to learning activities till processing of results and performance analysis. The integration of ICT in to this process enhances the overall admission activities of education institutions by making it more accessible to many.

This includes:
·        Admission enquiry by students applying for admissions through electronic media.
·        Registration/ enrolment using computers.
·        Course allotment
·        Providing time table class schedule in electronic form.
·        Attendance monitoring/maintenance through e-media.
·        Communications relating to transport, hostel accommodation.
·        Communication to guardian parent
                    The integration also helps in expansions of the geographical boundaries for student in take.
Staff administration includes:
                 ·        Recruitment
                 ·        Work allotment
                 ·        Attendance and leave management
                  ·       Performance appraisal
                  This also includes relevant communication to and from the institution and among peers.
                  Staff administration done through ICT, helps in processing of voluminous records in quick, meticulous and impeccable manner. Thereby making the data retrieval easier. A good communication system should also be place for the overall effectiveness of administration. ICT helps in this by sending e-circulars to students & staff. The dissemination of information about the institution using e-kiosks.
                   ICT in general administration has brought increased efficiency and optimal resource utilization.
The various items classified under this category include:
          Ø Usage electronic e-media for scheduling of halls and other resources.
          Ø Usage of e-media by students to apply for university examination.
          Ø Usage of e-media for the processing and display of results of the students.
          Ø Usage of e-media for free payment etc.

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