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  • November 25, 2019


                   The word ‘adolescence’ comes from the Latin word ‘adolecere’ which means ‘to grow’. Thus the essence of the word adolescence is growth and it is in this sense that adolescence represents period of rapid growth and change in nearly all aspects of child’s physical, mental, social and emotional life.

                   This period emerges from later childhood and merges with adulthood. The period of adolescence is the spring time of life and a landmark in the process of human growth and development. It was Stanley Hall who first focused attention on the special significance of this period and the major problems faced by the individual at this period of development. This period has been described as a period of great stress and strain, storm and strife. The period of adolescence extends from 11 to 18 years of life.

The main characteristics of this period are:
                                               1.     Peak Period: During adolescence, the physical growth and development reaches its peak. The human body attains its final and development shape. The maximum limit with regard to refines in size, weight and height is achieved. Bones and muscles increases to the greatest possible extent leading to a great increase in motor activity. The growth and functions of all outer and inner organs reaches its maximum and almost all the glands become extremely active at this stage.
                                            2.     Spurt in Physical Growth: Thus, adolescence is a period of marked physical growth. There is a spurt which results in sudden increase in both height and weight. The chief characteristics in case of boys are deepening of voice, the growth of beard, development of reproductive organs with ability to produce semen. In case of girls there is increase in the width of hips, there is development of breasts, growth of pubic hair and starting of menstruation. There are marked changes in the curves of the body and these overall changes enable the individuals of both the sexes to take on the form and function of the adults of their respective sex. These rapid changes are accompanied by increase in the adolescent’s motor power and he wants to engage himself in various types of games, sports and other types of physical activities.
                                           3.     Physical Coordination: Physical coordination becomes adequate for highly skilled sports such as track. Volleyball and tennis. Late mature may still be handicapped by poor coordination. Controlled and graceful movement is possible for activities like swimming and dancing.
                                           4.     Typical Daily Requirements: Typical daily requirements are 3200 calories for boys and 2800 for girls. Breakfasts are often skimpy because of haste. As much as ten hours of sleep may be desirable. Dental care is one of the most common physical needs.

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