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  • November 29, 2019


                      “No system of education can rise higher than its teachers”. “The way to child-centered education can only be through teacher-centered school”.
                     Cicero said 2000 years ago – what greater or better gift can we offer the republic than to teacher and instruct our youth? His words are as true today as they were 2000 years ago.
                     The quality of a nation depends upon the quality of its schools and this depends primarily upon the quality of teachers.
                     The Mudaliar report stated “We are convinced that the most important factor in the contemplated educational reconstruction is the teacher, his personal qualities, his educational qualifications, his professional training the place that he occupies in the school as well as in the community.
                    As the teacher is to guide the pupils by his example as well as by his precept, he must possess certain definite qualities. The best teachers are those who have certain natural qualifications for the job. What are those natural qualifications we shall now proceed to describe.

Characteristics of an Ideal Teacher:
                                                 i.            The teacher must be good looking. The dress should be decent and sober.
                                                  ii.            Teacher should have calm nature, sweet looks, charming face, pleasant demeanor, so as to exert a good influence on both the public and the pupils.
                                               iii.            His character should be above reproach.
                                                iv.            Good mental and physical health is another essential to be a good teacher.
                                                 v.            Sociability is another essential trait for a teacher.
                                                vi.            The teacher must have a sense of humor.
                           vii.            Teacher should be a person with whom children can have normal human relationships.

                     In short, the teacher must possess a well-rounded, chiseled personality.  He should be particularly careful about the following.
                      a.      He must be a punctual to the minute.
                      b.     He must be just fair and impartial in all dealings and should be known as such.
                      c.      He must have pleasing manners and should be courteous to all.
                      d.     He must respect pupils opinion and should invite free discussion in the class.
                       e.      He must be able to earn respect.
                      f.       He must be responsible in his talk and in his behavior.
                       g.      He must not be rigid, too strict-yet should be prompt and business use.
                       h.     He must be kind and sympathetic.
                       i.        He must be extremely honest.
                       j.        He must be self-reliant and self-directive.
                      k.     He must be an enthusiastic in his subject and matter of method.
                       l.        Last but not least important, he should know himself.  
         He effects eternity; He is the backbone of society. He is a social engineer and useful social worker, He is a superior guide, He is a nation builder.

                    The minimum levels of learning were laid down at the Primary Education for the quality improvement of the children. A set of values were also laid down for developing competencies. The minimum level of learning strategy essentially aims at attaining mastery level for all children as a part of Universalisation of quality education. For such an approach the competencies and qualities of the teacher will have to be worked out specifically and pragmatically.
As such the NCTE and several other national seminars formulated the following 10 inter-related categories of competencies. They are:
                                                    i.            Contextual Competencies
                                                    ii.            Conceptual Competencies
                                                   iii.            Content Competencies
                                                   iv.            Transactional Competencies
                                                     v.            Competencies related to other educational attitudes
                                                   vi.            Competencies to develop teaching-learning material
                            vii.            Evaluation competencies
                           viii.            Management competencies
                                                     ix.            Competencies related to working with community and other agency

                                         i.        Contextual Competencies:
          Under contextual competencies the primary school teacher has to acquire a total understanding of the socio-economic cultural, linguistic, religious contexts of specific family and community profile. Teacher’s job is the integral part not only of the total education system but also of the social and cultural systems of community. The teacher should have the understanding of National, State & Global functions. Teacher should also have the understanding of various other issues like developmental activities, urbanization, unemployment, value inculcation, political dynamics and growing impact and technology development.

                                      ii.        Conceptual Competencies:
         It is equally important to develop conceptual competencies among students, teachers to have the right perspective in education. It is to help them through understanding of meaning of education and the impact of socio-economic and socio-cultural factors o them. The teacher should know the educational implications with reference to the physical, mental, social and cultural needs of the child at different stages of child development. The knowledge of sociometry of the class too would help the teacher to organize curricular and co-curricular activities quite effectively in the classroom and outside.
          The student teacher should appreciate the constitutional provision of universization of elementary education and the three components viz.

a)    Universal enrollment
b)   Universal retention
c)    Universal quality education concepts like globalization and modernization etc. also have to be clearly understood by the teachers to translate them effectively into teaching-learning process. The conceptual components will help them into meaningful learning experiences.

                                        iii.        Content Competencies:
          Teachers should have full mastery over the content competencies identified in the competency based curriculum. Content competencies identified by Dave Committee report or its adaptation by the state must be achieved mastery by the student teachers in their teacher preparation programmes at the teacher training institutions. They should identify hard spots of learning and where there is enough scope for joyful activities in the curriculum.

                                        iv.        Transactional Competencies:
          Teaching learning process in education involves interaction between teachers and taught resulting in desired competencies. In teaching there are three stages. They are:
a.      Planning
b.     Teaching-Learning
c.      Evaluation
         During transaction teachers put the plan into action and evaluate its impact in terms of competencies achieved at the end of transaction. It is observed that the achievement level of the learners is low by Acharya Rama Murthy Committee and NPE 1986 because of less importance given to practice by the teacher rather than theory.
          Since the children have short span of attention for teacher directed learning more time should be devoted to group learning, self-learning by the children. Hence emphasis should be given for workbooks and for variety of activities. Such as story-telling, singing, games, field visits, celebrations of national, social, cultural events with a view to make teaching learning joyful and participatory. At primary level multi grade teaching may be introduced. All these require transactional competencies of the higher order both on the part of student teacher and teacher educators.

   v.                  Curricular activities develop cognitive area of children but for the total development of child other educational activities. Such as Morning prayer/assembly, celebration of national events like Independence Day, Republic Day, Children’s Day, Teacher’s Day etc. will help to develop the human values among children.
          The student teacher should acquire skills and competencies in planning and executing all such educational activities, as they entail various competencies for the student teacher to develop as a teacher as also as a community leader.

                                        vi.        Competencies to develop teaching-learning material:
          Student teacher has to develop the competencies in preparation of different kind of teaching-learning material such as text books, work books, self-learning material for group and individual learning. Teachers handbooks and similar other material may be used by the leaders in order to improve their own professional standards.
         The classroom teaching-learning material like charts, pictures, maps, diagrams, tables may be prepared and used by the teacher to enrich the quality of their teaching. Teaching-learning materials based on new technology and audio-tapes, video-tapes, slides, radio, TV, Computer and similar other gadgets may be used by the teachers for effective teaching.
          Teachers should also make use of locally available learning resources such as bank, post office, hospital etc. to enrich the teaching learning experiences.

                        vii.        Evaluation Competencies:
          When competency based curriculum is introduced it is necessary to that competency based evaluation should be adopted. The following points need to be given due consideration.
                       1.     The concept of 35% marks pass, have to be done away and every learner should acquire highest proficiency.
                      2.     Illuminative evaluation may be adopted by the teacher which includes self-analysis on the part of the teacher.
                      3.     The ideal concept of continuous comprehensive evaluation in the classroom should be adopted.
          In addition to the above periodical evaluation may be taken up in formal way for diagnostic purpose comprehensive evaluation or the annual evaluation is necessary according to the rules and regulations.
                       viii.        Management Competencies:
          Every teacher is a manager in the classroom. Hence every teacher should be taught skills of classroom management. In addition to subject teaching the teacher has to develop several other managerial competencies dealing with community and to handle multi grade in a single teacher system. Hence the student teacher while undergoing training should acquire all such managerial competencies.
                                             ix.        Competencies related to working with parents:
          The role of parents is quite crucial with regards to un-enrolled children and dropout children in the context of universalization of elementary education. The facts are:
1.     In order to achieve universal enrolment parental contact is a must because parents may be illiterate or poor or they are not aware of their children’s future. As such teachers should seek parental co-operation in universal enrolment, retention and quality of education of their children.
2.     Parents will co-operate with regards to punctuality and regularity of their children.
3.     Teacher should provide progress reports to the parents in order to discuss their wards progress.
4.     To discuss the weakness or brightness of the children with their parents. Teacher education programme should develop competencies in teacher trainees doing the preparations as teacher.
                                               x.        Competencies related to working with community and other agencies:
         To improve the school situation, the teachers seek co-operation of the community. For this some professional orientation is required. Since independence some commendable actions have been initiated in being the school and community together. For this teachers should be made competent in activitiy like community survey, school mapping etc.
          In order to establish rapport with members of the community it may be useful to prepare a community profile containing basic information like historical, cultural elements related to society along with population, literacy level etc. This profile will be useful to elicit community support and also from an integral part of teacher education programme today.

                     Social cohesion is one of the major objectives before education in 21st century. Teachers should respond to the social, cultural and economic realities in the society and get expertise for their profession. In doing so the teacher should acquire certain human qualities in transaction of classroom teaching. Only such teacher would become a true teacher who sincerely loves each and every child. In fact, the teacher have to be quite sensitive to the emotional needs of children. Teacher’s tolerance, humility and modesty could endear them to their pupils to the community and the person alike. Teachers must have a well defined self image which will make them understand their role model as teachers.
                  1.   Commitment to the Learner:
          Teacher should have a commitment to the learner. He should see that the learner enjoys learning. Learner should feel that learning is joyful and rewarding commitment to the learner implies teachers genuine love and affection for children tolerance towards his mistakes.

         The teachers should do self-analysis of their own aggressive behavior. Self analysis is an important tool for commitment building. Commitment is quite crucial on the part of the teachers in making the learning effective and that ought to be inculcated in them through teacher education programmes.

                   2.   Commitment to the Society:
          Teachers should remember that they are responsible for the local community individually and collectively. He should serve the community faithfully - The service may be of different types – serving the children deprived of education, children coming from poor families. The adult of this section may be encouraged to join to adult education programme.
          The teacher who is committed to the society would very soon create a sense of belonging among its members. Once this is achieved there will be not any difficulty in mobilizing the resources needed by the school.
          Teacher should understand the local community and participate in various activities related to the development of school and community.

                  3.   Commitment to the Profession:
          Teachers should feel that this is a noble job and have to develop with pride being in the teaching profession, educating children is indeed empowering them. This process needs total involvement. A committed teachers mind remains always occupied with thoughts of children and their growth committed teachers seek all round development of the child. They observe professional ethics to be fitting the nobility of profession. Commitment to the profession deserves to be an integral part of teacher education.

                 4.   Commitment to attaining excellence for professional action:
          Professionally committed teacher’s first love is their quest for knowledge and excellence both for their own and for the students. They try to attain excellence in the entire teaching learning process through their constant quest for becoming best teachers. Hence teacher education must try to develop this first love among teachers during their pre-service teacher preparation programme.

                 5.   Commitment to basic values:
          The values that are to be followed by the teacher are honestly co-operation, love, truth, objectivity regularity, punctuality in addition to the values prescribed in the Indian Constitution in addition to the social values that differ from one society to the other. Observance of these values impresses the children. Hence the teacher education programme takes it as a part of the pre-service training programme as well as in service activities which reflect in teacher education curriculum.

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