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  • November 30, 2019

Values are closely related with aims of education. The value oriented education helps young people to lead more personally satisfying and socially constructive lives. Values are the domain of what is preferred and desirable. Moral values are the domain of what is right and wrong. It also helps in developing certain skills like knowing oneself, self-esteem, goal setting ability, communication and social skills. It also teaches certain traditional values develop internal qualities that have always been admired with goodness, virtues and moral maturity.
                     Value education both formal and informal may encourage developing moral codes such as honesty, truthfulness and justice. It helps them to make socially responsible behavior.
                     The Kothari Commission has rightly stated, “The expanding knowledge and the growing power (Science) which it places at the disposal of modern society must therefore, be combined with the strengthening and depending of the sense of responsibility and a keener appreciation of moral and spiritual values”.
                     The National Policy on Education 1986 also stressed on inculcation of social and moral values among the children. The growing concern over the erosion of essential values and increasing cynicism has brought to focus the need for readjustments in curriculum in order to make education a forceful tool for the cultivation of social and moral values.
                     By this it is very clear that education should focus on cultivation of moral, social and spiritual values. By providing favorable environment the children can practice various virtues and values. Following are the important activities to be undertaken in the school.
                                  1.        Celebration of national festivals.
                                  2.        Conduct of social service programmes.
                          3.        Emphasis on the unity of all religions, harmony among communities and national integration.
                                4.        Development of scientific temper.
                                5.        Community prayer in the school.
                                6.        Health and cleanliness programmes.
                                7.        Socially useful productive programmes.
                                8.        Citizenship training programmes.
                                  9.        Cultural and recreational programmes.
                             10.      Student self-government in schools.
                             11.      Introduction of Information Technology.
                             12.      International understanding.
                              13.      Appropriate teaching-learning situations.
                      The teachers also must ply the important role in inculcation of values among children. The most important aspect is that they should set good examples of conduct and behavior which students may imbibe in themselves. Remarks made by Albert Einstein in ‘Ideas and Opinions’ in this regard are very enlightening. “It is not enough to teach a man specially. Through it he may become a useful machine but not a harmoniously developed personality. It is essential that the students require a vivid sense of the beautiful and of the morally good. Otherwise he with his specialized knowledge resembles a well-trained dog rather than a harmoniously developed person”.

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