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  • November 19, 2019

                                                  1.        Aims are long-term goals while objectives are short-term goals.
                                                  2.        An aim is general in its outlook but an objective is more specific.
                                                  3.        An objective serves as a stepping stone to realize the goal or aim.
                      The aims of teaching English at secondary school stage are fourfold. They are popularly referred to as LSRW. They are:-
                                                   1.        To enable the pupils listen to English spoken at normal speed and understand. (Listening Comprehension -L)
                                                    2.        To enable the pupils speak English intelligibly at normal speed suited to their standard. (Speaking ability -S)
                                                    3.        To enable the pupils read at normal reading speed and understand what is read. (Reading comprehension -R)
                                                   4.        To enable the pupils use English and write on topics of their interest. (Writing ability -W)
A. To enable the pupils listen to English at normal conversational speed the objectives are:
                                                 1.        To listen to the English sounds carefully and distinguish them from the mother tongue sounds.
                                                 2.        To learn the correct pronunciation of English sounds and also the stress and intonation patters of English language.
                                                  3.        To understand the meanings of the words and structures of the English language.
                                                 4.        To recognize the mood of the speaker in a given context.
                                                 5.        To distinguish among the various types of sentences, statements, questions, commands requests and exclamations.
B. To enable the pupils speak English at normal conversational speed the objectives are:
                                              1.        To speak English with correct pronunciation, stress, intonation and pause.
                                               2.        To use appropriate vocabulary and structures to give vent to their ideas, feelings and desires
                                             3.        To present ideas sequentially.
                                              4.        To speak at a pitch of the voice as demanded by the situation.

C. To enables the pupils read the language aloud at normal readings speed the objectives are:
                                                   1.        To read passages from the text aloud with clarity using correct pronunciation.
                                                   2.        To use appropriate stress and intonation patterns and pauses.
                                                  3.        To read at a pitch of the voice as demanded by the situation.
                                                 4.        To read employing the appropriate mannerisms.
D. To enable the pupils read the language silently the objectives are:
                                                 1.        To read at a reasonable speed with comprehension.
                                                 2.        To understand at the meanings of the words and phrases from the context.
                                                  3.        To identify the key words, phrases and sentences in the reading material.
                                                  4.        To interpret ideas, events and traits of characters presented in the reading material.
                                                 5.        To summarize the reading material
                                                 6.        To infer the mood and purpose of the author of the poet.

E. To enable the pupils write the language correctly the objectives are:
                                              1.        To spell the words correctly.
                                             2.        To punctuate what is written using capital letters and the various punctuation marks correctly.
                                              3.        To present ideas in a logical sequence.
                                             4.        To divide the matter into appropriate paragraphs and arrange them in proper sequence.
                                            5.        To use a variety of grammatically correct sentences as demanded by the situation.

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