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  • November 19, 2019
                   Educational in technical sense refers to that process by which society through its different institutions deliberately transmits its cultural heritage to its young accumulated values, knowledge and skills from one generation to another. The society opts for certain ends for which technology provides the means. The field of technology is multifaceted. It covers comparatively will defined areas such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, material science, theory of structures.
Technology of Education is developed with two important aims
1) To make education more widely available to all.
2) To improve the quality of education that is available.
                   Technology can be understood as the efforts made by people to satisfy their material wants by working on physical objects. It all started with the invention and use of tools to work on physical objects to convert them to useful forms to satisfy human wants.
                   Technology has helped us to make life more and comfortable and made easy passage from primitive to civilized conditions of human life. Alvin Toffler refers these rises in civilizations as three waves. During agricultural era of the first wave period technology was based on ‘muscle’. The industrial technology focused on money and the electronic technology is based on mind-here technology is mainly concerned with information (knowledge) management.

       i.            J. Rousseau, criticized the teaching of his days and condemned the liberal use of words by teachers. According to him Teaching process must be directed towards learner’s curiosity i.e., child centered education.
     ii.            John Dewey Introduced Scientific method in the field of education. E. Thorndike conducted experiments and put forward learning theories.
  iii.            In 1925 – Sydney L.Pressey experimented with programmed learning.
  iv.            During 1938 and 1940 the concept of Visual aid’s helped the process of learning.
     v.            In 1950 – Instructional theories Bruner, Glasser came into existence.
  vi.            In 1953 – Gorden pask applied the principles of cibernetics to education.
vii.            In 1954 – Edgardale cone of experience.
viii.            In 1954 – Weiner worked on the science of cibernetics.
  ix.            In 1970 – Different developments took place and concept of Education technology took its shape.
     x.            20th Century: In this century there is a rapid development in the field of electronics, sound recording, photography etc.

                    In the 21st century every aspect of human life has undergone a thorough change due to the increasing use of science and technology. Application of science and technology has resulted in a tremendous improvement in quality of things. Whatever may be the field the use of science and technology has brought about both qualitative and quantitative improvements.
                    There are two important factors which have compelled the teachers and administrators to think of the modernization of the out moded educational system. These factors are:
       i.            Population Explosion
     ii.            Knowledge Explosion
                    Finn(1963) argues that in a technologically oriented society, education should wed itself to science and technology. Education cannot wall itself off from the technological advances.
                    Stolurow(1963) argues that three major factors demand the adaptation of technology to education. These are:
                      a)     The exploding world population.
                      b)    The exponential rate at which new knowledge is being generated.
                       c)     The changing science and technology of our current society.
               In the Indian context, the following factors further prompt education to court technology.
                    1.     Problems of education like free primary education and eradication of adult illiteracy can never be solved through conventional teaching techniques.
              2.     The determination of falling standards can be checked and quality instruction can be imparted if E.T and programmed learning materials are yoked to conventional classroom teaching.
            3.     Educational technology materials can be used for imparting education to learners through non-formal or distance mode.
             4.     E.T is best utilized for language learning that is foreign or other language can be quickly learned with its help.
            5.     For transferring better ideas and developing accurate thinking, technological aids are the only means. They impart the fast increasing knowledge in various disciplines in a short period with best retention.
            6.     E.T plays a unique role in developing national integration.
          7.     With the help of modern electronic gadgets public can be educated about universal franchise, fundamental rights and responsibilities.
            8.     E.T can be used to educate people in villages about social evils, deadly diseases superstitions etc.
          9.     Our farmers can be equipped with the knowledge about the latest methods of crop reaping, the use of better and improved seeds, use of fertilizers and pesticides etc, only with the help of E.T.

Education: The term education has been derived from Latin word ‘educare’ means to bring up or to nourish, ‘educare’ means to lead out or to draw educere out ‘educatum’ means the act of teaching or training. Thus education is the act or process of acquiring and imparting knowledge.
Technology: The term technology is a combination of Greek words tech-means (detective) techne means art, technic means Doctrine of arts. Logos means science of study.
       v Technology means science of study of an art or skill or a branch of knowledge that deals with Science of Industrial Arts, applied sciences and engineering.
        v Technology is the application of knowledge for practical ends.
        v Technology is the use of machines for improving human productivity.
        v Thus technology is the application of science to the needs of individual and the society.
       v Technology is a scientific way of developing new techniques and a systematic way of evolving and applying these techniques.
        v Technology is a method of designing techniques.

To sum up:
        v Technology is that branch of advanced scientific study which involves highly designed and sophisticated engineering software and hardware.
       v Educational technology facilitates learning by controlling environment media and methods.
        v It involves input, output and process aspects of education.
         v It is an important medium of communication.
        v It is not conformed to the use of electronic media in education. It includes systems approach also.
        v It is not to be taken as a synonym to audiovisual aids in education.
        v Educational technology is a continuously developing technology.

Definitions of Educational Technology:
                   Educational Technology may be roughly defined as “Systematic application of knowledge of science to practical tasks in education as technology is the systematic application of knowledge of science practical tasks in industry”.
Important aims of Educational Technology are:
                   1.     To provide appropriately designed situations for learning and teaching i.e. those situations which keep in mind, the objectives that are necessary for training.
                 2.     To modify the learners environmental by presentation of material, by arranging the different learning activities and by organizing the physical and surroundings of the learner.
Nature &Characteristics of Educational Technology:
         v It is influenced by advancements in the field of behavioral sciences, physical sciences, electronics etc.
          v It is essentially a practical discipline rather than a theoretical construct.
          v It is a science of design, development and application of audiovisual equipment to the field of education.
          v It locates the problems in education and provides remedial measures and ultimately aims at improving the education system.
         v ET is an application science where in the researches and findings of diverse social science and fields like psychology, sociology, behavioral sciences, engineering, physical sciences are applied to the field of education.
          v ET plays an important role in making the teaching scientific, objective, clear simplified and interesting.
       v E.T. gets together technical means students teachers and their psychological aspects.
       v ET is bound to improve the teachers the learner and the teaching learning process.
        v The educational technology is a comprehensive term and is not to be viewed  in terms of its parts of processes. It includes instructional technology, teaching technology, programmed learning, microteaching and system analysis etc.
         v It lays stress on development methods and techniques for effective teaching-learning.
         v It stresses the organization of learning situation for the effective realization of the goals of the education.
         v Expected behavioral changes in the teachers and pupils are possible through educational technology.
          v The provisions of measuring devices for testing the results of learning are emphasized in educational technology.
ET has three major aspects:
1. Input
2. Process
3. Output.
1. Input:
It involves the entering behavior of the learner.
       i.            It includes previous achievement, abilities and level of motivation.
     ii.            It is concerned with comprehension level of the learner.
  iii.            It involves the skill of teaching and awareness of teaching and training method.
  iv.            It is concerned with availability of teaching aids and skill in using the teaching aids.
2. Teaching-Learning Process:
It involves the means and devices of learning experiences.
                                       i.            To generate situation for presenting the subject matter systematically.
                                ii.  To select the use appropriate teaching strategies and tactics for desired learning structures.
                                   iii.            To employ appropriate teaching aids for desired behavioral change.
                                iv.         To identify and use suitable communication techniques for the comprehension of the subject matter.
                                  v.            To use suitable schedules of reinforcement for effective learning.
  vi.            To evolve appropriate school environment for developing good relations among students.
3. Output:
It includes mainly terminal behavior of the learner.
                                                                i.            To identify the characteristics of content.
                                                               ii.            To clarify the objectives achieved through the content.
                                                              iii.            To analyze the stimuli.
                                                            iv.    To determine the characteristics of students and their desired activities.
                    The detailed description of three aspects in the content matter of E.T. the relation between input, process and output can be made clear through the diagrammatic representation

                   Educational Technology may be viewed as a system with a number of sub systems and components or elements as shown in the above fig.
Educational Technology generally consists of four parts:
                          1.     (Predetermined) Objectives
                          2.     Teaching strategies
                          3.     Resource generation
                          4.     Learning styles
                     1.     ET helps in improving –teaching learning process and makes it more purposeful and meaningful.
                     2.     ET helps in maintain and improve the standard of mass education by the use of teaching and programmed instructional material.
                    3.     The correspondence education can be made more effective by the use of radio, television, tape recorder and programmed instruction.
                     4.     Educational and administrative problems can be solved scientifically with the help of system analysis.
                   5.     By use of ET scientific base can be laid in teaching.
                   6.     Help the learners or students to acquire correct knowledge in less amount of time than it maximizes.
                   7.     Help in self learning the level of information to the learners.
                   8.     The use of ET reduces the labor of the teacher in teaching concept.
                   9.     The use of ET can provide best talented teachers to large number of learners.
                 10.  The use of ET helps in minimizing the doubts about the concepts or skill to be learned in limited time.
                 11.   ET helps in analysis.
                 12.   Helps in equalizing educational opportunities.
                 13.        Helps in providing proper feedback both to the teacher and students.
                 14.         Helps in solving problems in a systematic way.
                 15.     Helps in achieving different objectives of education by proper use of teaching models.
                16.    Assist in quick collection, storage and retrieval of information.
                 17.       Improving the quality and standard of living.

v Mckenzies and others stated the following objectives keeping the students as focal point:
·        The need to reach out to the maximum number of students.
·        To reach out to them with an improved range of learning materials.
·        To provide opportunities for independently study.
·        To permit at least a limited student response.
v Hilard Jason stated the following as objectives keeping the teacher in view:
·        Transmitting information.
·        Serving as role models.
·        Assisting the practice of specific skills.
·        Contributing to the provision of feedback.

v Objectives of ET at Macro Level:
                     1.     To identify the educational needs and aspirations of the community.
                     2.     To determine aims and adjectives and in general the structure of education. 
                      3.     To develop an integrated curriculum of arts science and human values.
                      4.     To identify and locate material resources and strategies for achieving the desired aims of education.
                     5.     To develop specific models of teaching to bring about an improvement in the teaching process.
                     6.     To design, modify and develop appropriate equipment / aids suitable and relevant to the educational process.
                      7.     To identify the latest environmental constraints and means to tackle them.
                       8.     To assist in providing vocational opportunities to the needy and deserving.
                    9.     To manage the entire educational system encompassing planning implementation and evaluation phases.

v Objectives of ET at Micro level:
                  1.     To identify the education needs of the learner.
                  2.     To access the characteristics of students. To determine and formulate classroom objectives in behavioral terms.
                    3.     To identify the contents of instruction and organize them in proper sequence.
                    4.     To identify human resources – students and teachers.
                   5.     To plan out teaching strategies, modes and methods as per needs and objectives.
                   6.     To predetermine the nature of interaction between subsystems, students i.e. teaches TLM content and methodologies.
                     7.     To evaluate the effectiveness of teaching strategy in terms of learning outcome i.e., behavioral changes in the students.
                    8.     To provide appropriate feedback to students as well as teachers.
                  9.     To modify the teaching –learning process on the basis of feedback received.

Approaches to the realization of objectives:
                    According to Educationists, Teachers, Management, Research organizations, Government policy makers and Costumer services are used to realize ET objectives.
                   1.     Teachers: In order to realize the objectives teacher needs to
                   i.            Identify the importance, scope and advantages of ET.
                 ii.            Develop understanding about selection, preparation and use of radia visual aids.
              iii.            Develop awareness about formulation or preparation of programmed learning materials and teaching modules.
              iv.            Develop content wise, professional wise and technology wise competencies.
                 v.            Develop positive or good attitude towards the application of knowledge of ET.
                  2.     Management: To realize ET objectives management need to
                   i.            Provide adequate facilities in schools.
                 ii.            Equip different tools.
              iii.            Provide proper periodical training to teacher.
                  3.     Research Organizations: Research organizations like (NCERT, SCERT, CIET, SIET, EMRC)
                   i.            Needs to prepare different audiovisual equipment basing on the research findings.
                 ii.            Regular propaganda regarding the use of ET.
              iii.            Organize in service training to teachers.
                 4.     Government: The central or state government should take adequate care and interest.
                   i.            Regarding the frequent use of ET in schools.
                 ii.            Encouraging the production of ET equipment.
               iii.            Economic help must be given to research organizations and to scholars to produce and to do research on modern equipment.
               iv.            See that the modern strategies and material which are being developed and used in developing countries are also used in our schools.
                 v.            Encourage wide use of application of ET in formal; non-formal, education and distance education, correspondence and also extension education.
               5.     Users and Beneficiaries or Customers need to
                   i.            Welcome and encourage the use of ET.
                 ii.            Acquire and use the knowledge of ET to develop self learning abilities.
              iii.            Show remarkable progress in their chosen areas.
                6.     Policy planners: To realize the objectives of ET policy planners
                     i.            Take help of international organization to formulate and implement the modern policies.
                   ii.            Frequent changes must be made in usage of technology basing on our own experiences and experiences of developed nations.
                iii.            The services of technology must be used in both urban and rural places.

                  Educational technology has revolutionized the education system. According to Lewis Elton it has evolved along three broad lines normally mass instruction, individualized learning and group learning. To begin with ET concentrated on mass instruction then on individualized learning than on group learning. Mass to individual to group to distance this is the development sequence of ET. ET’s main aim is to improve quality of human learning. It helps people to satisfy their needs/wants and to lead a comfortable and complete and meaningful life.
1. Determination/identification of educational goals and objectives: ET tries to identify educational goals and objectives. The software aspect of ET contributes in this area. This goal/objective of identification is done based on the needs and aspirations of people or pupils and these educational objectives are converted into behavioral terms.

            2.     Analysis of the process of Teaching-Learning-ET has a large number of functions to perform.
a)     It analyses the teaching process. Variable, phases to teaching levels of teaching and determines the principles of teaching.
b)    It also suggests maxims of teaching. Studies the concept of learning theories of learning relation between teaching and learning.
c)     All these aspects cover wide range of activities to be performed by ET.

          3.     Area of Teachers training: There is much scope of ET in the area of teacher’s training. In the field of teacher’s training, the gaming, systems approach classroom interaction CAI and group training teaching, models etc are being used successfully.

        4.     Area of Curriculum construction: In the academic field curriculum construction is complex job. According to changing needs of people in the society especially in developing country like India to keep pace with developed nations curriculum and needs regular revision.
             5.     Development Resources: Keeping in view stipulated objectives, designed curriculum, both human resources and material resources need to be developed. Educational technologies concerns with development of different T.LM and web tools.

Develop Information Resources:
                General information literacy is needed for all individuals to work and to participate fully in an information society. In addition for most professions specialized computer and communication based systems are rapidly becoming indispensable tools of the trade. Students must learn how to use these services as part of their early training.
         6.     Develops Interactive Instruction Services: In order to customize teaching to the particular level of understanding learning style, peace and ability of each individual student different interactive instructional services (CAT Videodisk, instructional modules) can be developed and made use of.
         7.     Develop learning environment: The interactive instructional technology can be used to create a special environment – a language simulation or database that can be manipulated by the student. For example, special computer languages such as LOGO, can help learners gain particular problem solving skills.
           8.     Develops passive instruction service: The textbook is the traditional passive instructional system. Projection media, slides, filmstrips, over head, transparencies and pictures etc., can be used.
           9.     Develop administration and instructional teleconferencing via radio, television or computer which allow teachers to exchange experiences, develop curricula and co-ordinate educational programmes among number of schools in a district.
           10.      Develops teaching storages: ET helps the teacher in selection and development of suitable teaching strategies.
           11.   Develops Testing and Diagnosis mechanisms: ET helps the teacher to have appropriate control over the process of teaching and learning by developing suitable tools and devices for continuous evaluation of the process and products of teaching and learning.

          Computers are being used to grade and analyze the results of college admission exams intelligence tests and variety of psychometric examinations designed to explore the values, attitude and thinking patterns of individuals.

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