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  • November 25, 2019


Gang Age:
              Revolutionary changes occur in a child’s social behavior when he starts going to school. In the school he comes in contact with other children whose company is a new society for him. Now he does not like to play only with the children of his neighborhood. He does not like to go to a function or for outing with his parents or older brother or sisters. He now loves group plays instead of individual play. This is the ‘gang age’ of the child. His social development goes on at fast pace at this stage.
              The child himself organizes his gang for realizing some of his needs. He tries to achieve with the help of his gang what the society of adults has denied him. In his gang he learns many such social things which he cannot learn easily in the company of adults.
               The period between six or seven years and twelve years is known as later childhood. During this period boys and girls prefer the company of their sex. They do not like to miss their company even for a day. The gang greatly influences the life of children. In the gang the child learns elements of good and bad behavior, styles or dressing and many kinds of games and plays.

Sex Differences in Gangs:
               Like boys, girls do not enjoy freedom for outing because of our social traditions and their natural physical limitations. Therefore, the gang influences the behavior of boys more. Many girls have to share domestic duties after school hours. Therefore they get less time to mix with their friends. Many parents maintain strict vigil on movements of their daughters, because they think that home is the proper place for them. However, some girls also succeed in forming their own gang consisting of girlfriends of the immediate neighborhood. This gang organizes at times some indoor games or some cultural activities on a small scale. This gang meets at the house of some member of the gang itself.

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