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  • January 27, 2020

Concept and Need:
                   Individualized instruction is a method of instruction in which content, instructional technology such as materials and pace of learning are based upon the abilities and interests of each individual learners. Mass instruction is the opposite, that is a method in which content, materials and pace of learning are the same for all students in a classroom or course. Individualized instruction does not require a one-to-one student/teacher ratio.
                  Mass instruction began during the French Revolution and Industrial Revolution, where some citizens were considered equal and large numbers of workers were needed to produce goods in large scale. The idea was to teach groups of students the same skills at the same time in a classroom, instead of having teachers that had in consideration the previous skills of the students as done for centuries.

Principles and Techniques:
This methods reduced costs and time, two important aspects in the era.
                      Educational Research Associates has concluded that placing greater reliance upon well-designed instructional materials-whether audio, video, multimedia Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) or simply a good textbook-may be as effective as the traditional lecture method. More importantly, it may allow some teachers to focus upon the specific needs and problems of individual students. However, this often ignores the needs of youth with learning disabilities and those that face other challenges.
                      In this way, individualized instruction is like direct instruction, which also places greater reliance upon carefully prepared instructional materials and explicitly prepared instructional sequences. But where direct instruction is very rigidly structured for use with children in primary school, individualized instruction is recommended only for students of at least junior high school age, and presumes that they have greater self-discipline to be able to study more independently. Thus, individualized instruction has points of contact with the constructive movement in education, started by Swiss biologist Jean Piaget, which states that the student should build his or her learning and knowledge. Individualized Instruction, however, presumes that most students of secondary school age still lack the basic knowledge and basic knowledge and skills to direct most of their own curriculum, which must be at least partially directed by schools and teachers.
                     In a traditional classroom setting time (in the form of classes, quarters, semesters, schools years etc.) is a constant and achievement (in the form of grades and student comprehension) is a variable.
                     In a properly individualized setting, where setting, where students study and progress more independently, achievement becomes more uniform and time to achieve that level of achievement is more variable.
                    Where implemented according to Educational Research Associates recommendations, Individualized Instruction has been found to improve student accomplishments substantially even while reducing cost dramatically (Oregon Department of Education, 1976) however in recent years the benefits of social learning in collaborative group settings through place based and project-based learning have been shown to be equally effective.
                    The coming of computer and internet-based education holds the promise of an enormous increase in the use of individualized instruction methodologically.

The differences of Individualization and personalization

·         Same objectives for all learners
·         Applying of differenced didactic strategies to achieve the key competencies
·         The educational curriculum is defined by the educational staff
·         Valorization of the cognitive dimension of the learner
·         Valorization of previous knowledge and competencies, formal and non-formal
·         Learner’s self-direction as an accessory skill
·         Teacher has a key role
·         Different objective for each learner
·         Applying of differenced didactic strategies to promote the personal potentiality
·         The learner actively participate to the construction of his own curriculum
·         Valorization of all dimensions of learner, not only the cognitive (emotional, social, life experience etc.)
·         Valorization of previous knowledge, competence, life and work skill also informal
·         Learner’s self-direction as a fundamental skill
·         Tutor has a key role

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