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  • January 22, 2020

                      A social network service is an online service that focuses on facilitating social networks or social relations among people who share among themselves interests, activities, background or real life connections. Almost all social network services are web-based and provide means for the users to interact over the internet. Some social networks act as platforms for language learning. They provide instructional materials and practice resources for the improvement of English among the learners. The most prominent social networks that offer English learning courses are Live Mocha, Facebook and Twitter.
                      Live Mocha is the world’s largest online language learning network. It fuses the traditional teaching-learning methods with online practices. Live Mocha at presents 38 languages and provides instructional materials to the learning of all these 38 languages. It is a platform for learners to interact with each other and help mutually in learning new languages. The site has nearly twelve million registered members across 196 countries with approximately 4 lakh visitors visiting it daily.
                     Live Mocha offers active learning courses in English. These courses are designed to help the learners communicate effectively with ease in a new language like English. It develops real conversational skills on the part of the learners. The lessons offered by Live Mocha are of such standard that the users learn English quite fast and gain confidence to converse in English with the native speakers.
                      Like Live Mocha Fcebook also is an online social networking service. The number of users visiting Facebook has recently reached to one million. Whoever has an internet connection uses the Facebook invariably. There are fourteen pages available on the Facebook which deal with the improvement of English language teaching-learning.

Advantages of Facebook
                      Facebook has many advantages for the youth, the adults and the aged. Of those the most important ones are:
           1.      Sharing of information: The facebook allows us to share information with other users. One can share one’s information, interests and experiences with others and vice versa.
           2.      Chatting: One can chat with friends or relatives who are registered users of the Facebook.
           3.      Entertainment: Facebook provides tons of entertainment opportunities. Besides a large number of games, there are other applications which contribute to the ebjoyment of the users.
          4.      Find old friends or colleagues: By using the Facebook we can come into contact with our friends, classmates or colleagues with whom you have lost contact for quite some time. You can get connected with them once again online. There are instance of people finding their real parents after two or three decades with the help of the Facebook.
          5.      Saves from Boredom: It saves the retired people from boredom for using the Facebook is such an entertainment. Even youth and students find solace from boredom especially during the vacations.
                      Twitter is a micro blogging service that enables us to send and receive tweets which are text messages limited to 140 characters. It is at present one of the top ten websites visited by the maximum number of users. The speed with which it gained popularity is enormous. There are more than 50 million registered users who post 340 millions tweets a day. Registered users alone can post tweets on the twitter, but unregistered users can only read the tweets posted in the twitter. Twitter has been described as the SMS of the internet.

Review Questions
Paragraph Questions
1.      What roles do the different websites play in the teaching-learning of English?
2.      How can you us online resourses for English Language Teaching?
3.      How can you us Social Networking for English Language Teaching?
4.      How can you us Multi-media for English Language Teaching?
Essay Questions
1.      Write a Lesson Plan for a Topic of your choices from 8th class Prose?
2.      Write a Lesson Plan for a Topic of your choices from 8th class Poetry?

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