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  • January 10, 2020

                          Dwight W. Allen and his colleagues at Stanford University in the USA first adopted the microteaching technique in 1961 which is presently followed in many countries of the world with certain modifications and improvements.
                          In the words of Allen, “Microteaching is a scaled down teaching encounter in class and class time”. Microteaching is a procedure aimed at simplifying the complexities of the regular class room teaching process. It is scaled down in the following ways.
1.      In terms of the size of the regular class for the teacher-trainee will be teaching a small class of not more than ten pupils.
2.      Whereas the time schedule of the regular class period is 40-45 minutes, here it is for a period of 5-10 minutes.
3.      Instead of covering all the teaching tasks in a single class as in the case of a macro lesson, in microteaching concentration is laid on mastering a specific skill.
                         It is well to remember that microteaching is exclusively meant for the teacher trainees but not for the regular class teachers. Microteaching is a training technique but not a teaching technique. That is, the teacher trainee learns how to teach, but it cannot be used in the regular class room teaching. Microteaching has the following benefits.
1.      Immediate feedback and re-teaching enables the teacher trainee gain confidence and perfection in teaching.
2.      Teaching is a complex skill which requires constant practice and drill. Microteaching affords the teacher trainee get adequate practice in each of microteaching skills and such the teacher gains mastery.
3.      It is continuous process: teaching – feedback – re-teaching – feedback till perfection is attained in that particular skill.

1.      Planning
                          Planning means knowing in advance what is to be done. It involves, first of all, the selection of the microteaching to be practiced. Then a suitable concept has to be selected and the lesson plan to be prepared.
2.      Practicing (Teaching)
                            After careful planning the lesson has to be taught taking into account the following aspects.
Time :                         5-10 minutes.
No. of pupils:             5 to 10 pupils, preferably members of the peer group.
Supervision:               Teacher educator (Lecturer) and a few members o the peer group.

It will be beneficial if the lesson is video-taped.

3.      Feedback
                          The teacher educator and members of the peer group who observe the lesson analyze the performance and discuss it with the teacher trainee for the betterment of his skill.
4.      Re-plan
                          Keeping in view the feedback received the teacher trainees replans his lesson by modifying and rewriting the lesson plan.

                          Teaching is a complex task. This complex task is a combination of several skills which may be termed as teaching skills. Gaze defined microteaching skills as “specific instructional activities and procedures that a teacher may use in the classroom”. As far as teaching of English is concerned there are specific skills the teacher-trainees re expected to practice and master before they practice macro teaching. The different microteaching skills are as follows.
v  Skill of introducing (lesson/poem)
v  Skill of questioning
v  Skill of explanation
v  Skill of using the chalkboard
v  Skill of reading
v  Skill of reinforcement


Name of the teacher:                                                Subject: English
Roll No:                                                          Class: X
Time required:                                              6 minutes                              
Skill:                                                                Introducing a poem
Teaching-Learning Material:                       Picture of Daffodils
Poem:                                                             Daffodils

Teacher’s Activity
Pupils Activity
Blackboard Work


Picture of daffodils
The teacher will ask the following questions
1.      What is your name?
2.      What class are you studying?
3.      Do you like flowers?
4.      Why do you like flowers?
5.      Can you name some flowers?
Look at these flowers.
How do they look?
What is their colour?
Do you know their name?
They are called daffodils.
Today we shall read a beautiful poem DAFFODILS.
This poem is written by the Famous English poet William Wordsworth

Pupils answer the questions
My name is…….
Tenth class

They are beautiful.
Rose, Jasmine, Lily.




Name of the Teacher:                                                                       Subject: English
Roll No.:                                                                                              Class: VIII
Time required: 8 minutes                                                                Skill: Questioning                                                                                                                               Lesson: Krishnadevaraya
Krishnadeva Raya
                         The famous Vijayanagar Empire was founded in 1526 by two brothers Bukka and Harihara. Of all the Vijayanagar emperors Krishandeva Raya was the most famous. He was not only a great soldier but also a profound scholar. In his court there were not only ministers, generals and clowns but also poets and scholars. All these people made Krishnadeva Raya’s court. The Bhuvanavijayam, a distinguished assembly

Teacher’s Activity
Pupils Activity
Blackboard Work


The Passage
The teacher reads the passage loud twice and makes pupils listen carefully
The teacher puts the following questions
1.      When was the Vijayanagar Empire founded?
2.      Who founded the Vijayanagar Empire?
3.      Of all the Vijayanagar emperors who was the most famous?
4.      What was the name of Krishnadevaraya’s court?
5.      What kind of assembly was his Court?
6.      Who made it a distinguished Assembly?
Pupils listen to the passage with concentration

Name of the teacher:                                                                                    Subject: English
Roll No.:                                                                                              Class: VIII
Time required: 10 minutes                                                              Skill: Explanation
                                                                                                            Vocabulary Item: Famous   

Teacher’s Activity
Pupils Activity
Blackboard Work



Picture of Tendulkar

Picture of the Taj Mahal 

Roller BB showing pairs of words
Showing the picture of Tendulkar the Teacher will ask:
Who do you find in the picture?
Who is Sachin Tendulkar?
What kind of cricketer is Sachin Tendulkar?
Yes, Sachin is a well-known cricketer

In other words, we can say
Sachin is a famous cricketer.

What is this picture?
Use the word famous with the Taj Mahal and say the sentence.

Combine the following pairs of words using famous

Frame sentences of your own using the word famous
Pupils answer the questions.

Sachin Tendulkar

Good Cricketer.

Taj Mahal
The Taj Mahal is a famous building.

Pupils frame sentences of their own using famous

Sachin is a well-known cricketer

Sachin is a famous cricketer

The Taj Mahal is a famous building.

Combine the pairs of words using famous

1.        Balu         Singer
2.        Tagore    Poet
3.        Suma       Anchor
4.        Bapu        Artist

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