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  • January 22, 2020

In olden days, people used to differ on the basis of age, i.e. different people are born o different dates and hence they are different. Some are elder, some are younger. This was the earlier concept. The concept has been broadened. People differed not only with reference to age but also according to their height, weight and general physique. This enlarge concept again did not serve the purpose. Today the concept is very broad. People can differ and they do differ on any measurable trait of personality, in the words of Charles E. Skinner.
“It is because of individual differences that we feel the necessity of educational and vocational guidance for the children. Today we have the view that a vocation to be chosen by an individual differs from others in his abilities, aptitudes and interests, the necessity of vocational guidance cannot be undermined.”
In individual differences both variability and normality are found. By variability we measure any trait or ability in any group we will find a difference in the possession of that trait or ability among the different members of that group or we may say that members will show variability in that particular trait or ability. Besides this, in that group it will also be seen that a majority of individuals will be found in possession of that trait at the extremes. By normality we mean this very thing.
“Today we think of individual differences as including any measurable aspect of the total personality”, broadest definition.

                            1.      Differences in Physique: This means tall or short, thin or fat, fair or black etc.
                            2.      Differences in Health: This means healthy or ill, weak or strong.
                             3.      Differences in Intelligence: People differ with reference to their intelligence. Here the range is very wide – from almost nil intelligence to 140 or above. On the basis of one’s IQ, one can be classified to fall in any of the idiot to genius categories.
                          4.      People Differ with Reference to their Achievements: Form achievements in school subjects to their efficiency in vocation.
                         5.      People Differ in Attitude: Example to make it clear- Bhutto has been hanged in Pakistan! What is your attitude towards the hanging of Bhutto?
                         6.      Differences in Motor Ability: This means control over muscles. The performance of some in some mechanical task is superior, the performance of others is inferior.
                        7.       People Differ in Interests: Then there are sex differences. Some of us are men women and this influences the performance in various fields.

         Makneimer & Terman  as quoted by Dr. Ram Nath Sharma, Educational Psychology, have discovered the following differences between men and women, on the basis of some studies carried out by them.

     v Women have greater skill in memory while men have greater motor ability.
     v Female handwriting is superior while men excel in mathematical logic.
     v Women possess greater linguistic ability. Men on the other hand excel in mathematics.
     v Men are strong in Physics and Chemistry.
     v Women are better than men in mirror drawing. Faults of speech in men are found to be three times of such faults in women.
     v More men are color blind.
     v Women succumb to suggestions easily.

                              8.      People Differ with Reference to their Learning Ability and their Speed of Learning: It is evident from daily example, take a classroom. Some boys learn things quickly, other take days to learn it and some do not learn at all.
                            9.      People Differ with Reference to their Race and Nationality: Many studies lead us to conclude that people belonging to different races and nationalities differ in respect of nature, physical and mental traits, interest and personality etc.

                          1.      Differences in Intelligence Level: We know individual differences in intelligence. We have emphasized that there are differences in intelligence level among different individuals. We can classify those individuals from super-normal to idiots and imbeciles (IQ from 0 to 50) on the basis of their intelligence level.
         The educational programmes of these students should be chalked out on the basis of their Intelligence Quotients. Often teacher take into consideration the average children while teaching in the classrooms. They neglect the backward and supernormal. The children who are thus neglected develop complexes and feelings of failure.
                       2.      Differences in Physical Development: Children also differ in their physical development. Some children are tall, some are short, some are fat and some are thin. Still if the height of all the children of the same age in the class is measured, then it will be only a few students who will be either too tall or too short.
         It is the duty of the teachers that in organizing the activities for the children, they should keep in mind their physical development. If there are few children who are much physically deviated, they should be given proper guidance.
                       3.      Difference in Achievement: Through achievement tests it has been found that children differ in their achievement abilities. These differences are very much visible in learning mathematics and in reading.
        The difference in achievement is also found among these children who are at the same level of intelligence, this is on account of the difference in the various factors of intelligence and the differences in previous experiences or interest.
        Since the individual differ in the achievements, a teacher should adopt a combination of the class teaching method and individual method in his teaching. Different children should be given different types of home assignments and they should be provided with different activities.
        If a child’s achievement is poor than what is warranted by his IQ the teacher should try to locate the reason for it. Often he will find that this lower achievement is on account of lack of interest or because of emotional cause.
        There are also some children who are able to achieve much more than what is expected spend a lot of time in studies and are able to learn much. They often get motivation for higher achievement for their parents. Sometimes these children work hard at their studies in order to compensate for their deficiency in some other sphere. Here we can present the example of Sir Isaac Newton. Newton worked hard at mathematics because he wanted to compensate for the deficiency which he felt on being unable to beat one of his class-fellows who was a bully.
         An efficient teacher should see that a child who is working very hard may not develop an attitude of dissatisfaction for the rest of his life.
                        4.      Differences in Attitudes: Attitude is a general disposition towards a group of people or an institution. Individuals differ in their attitudes towards different people or institutions. Some people consider the laws of society as good and some feel that they are bad.
        The attitudes towards education are not dependent on intelligence level. It depends to a great on home environment. If the parents have desirable attitude towards education, then similar attitude will develop in their children. In India the rural folk on general do not have a healthy attitude towards education, hence their children also remain uninterested towards education. This is one of the greatest reasons for their illiteracy.
         Different children have different attitudes towards authority also. This attitude the child learns in his early childhood. The development of his attitude is dependent on home environment.
                       5.      Personality Differences: The differences in personality are dependent on personality traits. A good teacher should keep these differences in mind while providing education to the children.
                       6.      Differences in Motor Ability: At every age-level differences in motor ability are visible. Some people can perform mechanical tasks with case and comfort while others, even though they are at the same level, feel much difficulty in performing these tasks.
                            7.      Differences on Account of Sex: Individual differences are also found in men and women. Women are more delicate while men are more study. But in many areas in learning, hardly any differences are found in the learning abilities of boys and girls. Investigations dealing with differences on account of sex have not yet shown such results which can be cancelled as fully scientific, hence it is very difficult to say anything definite regarding this point.

                          8.      Intelligence in Sex Differences: The intelligent tests show that both the sexes have on an average similar IQ. But it has been seen that the range of differences in both the sexes is different. This means that in a mixed group there may not be much of a difference between the average IQ of the female and the average IQ of male members. But the range of differences between low, average and high IQ’s will be different in both sexes. It has also been noticed that on different portions of an IQ test there is a difference between the scores obtained by the boys and girls.
                        9.      Achievement of Sex Differences: At elementary level the girls score higher than boys on achievement test. The girls show linguistic abilities earlier than boys and this is the reason for their scoring higher. The boy’s knowledge of science is usually more when they enter school and they soon attain supremacy in Mathematics over the girls.

                        10.    Racial and National Differences: Investigations pertaining to racial and national differences are still incomplete. Hence, we cannot say anything with full reliability in this connection. Still, it has been seen that differences are found in various types of abilities among persons belonging to different reasons.

                        11.    Social Differences: Among different people, we find social differences as well. These differences are visible even when the child is about a year old. There are some children who are so timid and shy that as soon as member of some other family comes to their homes they hide themselves, while there are other children who become friendly with strangers without any hesitation.
         Individual differences are also visible in understanding social expression. Children also depict differences of behavior in their quarrels. Their quarrels take the form of abusing, beating, biting, inflicting nail marks etc.

                         12.    Social and Economic Status and the Growth of Intelligence: Meredith’s study has shown that children of those families are in general healthier and developed which are at a higher social level. Many physical defects like deformed teeth, lameness, tuberculosis etc are found more among the children of low income group parents.

                              1.      Heredity: It is also main cause of individual difference. Not only the child gets the impact of the psychological features of cells of his parents but he is also influenced by the mental traits of his parents.
                               2.      Environments: Environment has various features, physical as well as social. All these factors lead to individual difference. Social environment influences people more than the physical environment. It is seen that the way of living of Muslim and Christian boys is different from each other.
                                  3.      Age & Intelligence: These two factors are also responsible for individual differences.
a)   Age: It causes individual differences. Physical, psychological and emotional development is caused by the growth in age. According to age, children differ in the qualities.
b)  Intelligence: All children do not have the same and similar intelligence. Some boys are exceptionally intelligent while others have a normal intelligence. Some boys are also mentally backward. Due to intelligence, there is individual difference as well.
                                    4.      Caste & Race: It is accepted that caste is a potent factor in individual difference. Some people are of the opinion that race also causes individual difference. Because of this in America it is said that White children are more intelligent than Negro children.
                                  5.      Self Difference: There is difference in the girl and the boy. The difference is physical and mental. Girls are tender, sympathetic, kind and affectionate while boys are brave, hard, choleric, efficient and competent.
                                 6.      Maturity: With the growth of the age, there is growth in the maturity. Some children reach maturity earlier than the others. Some are more matured while the others are less to individual difference.

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