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Get the best possible FREE NOTES -VEDIOES .B.Ed Notes for Andra Pradesh States. English Grammer Notes.CHSE | ICSE | CBSE Notes Class 6 to 12 .

  • January 10, 2020

                   Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding written expression. Proficient reading depends on the ability to recognize words quickly and effortlessly. To become fluent readers, the readers must also understand what they read. This is what we mean by reading comprehension. Reading can be regarded as proof of intellectual development. Acquisition of reading skills is actually the first step towards literacy. Hence the teaching of reading should be the goal of every teacher. One of the chief reasons for reading problems is the poor knowledge of English vocabulary on the part of the learners. Hence in order to acquire the reading skill there is need for students to have good command of English vocabulary.
                  Reading, according to Gray, is a highly complex activity. It includes various aspects such as recognizing the written symbols (words and phrases) quickly and accurately, comprehending clearly discriminating between the surface meaning and the implied meaning of the author. Pupils are usually confronted with the problems of understanding what they read. This makes comprehension. Reading comprehension involves two major aspects. They are:
                        1.      Understanding what one reads, and
                        2.      Reading with appropriate speed
Strategies for Developing Reading Comprehension with Speed
                             1.            Testing Reading Comprehension
                   The teacher may give a passage which is suitable to the mental level of the pupils and they may be asked to go through the passage by allowing them a limited time during which the passage can be read thoroughly by an average reader. At the end of the time given for reading, the pupils should be asked to close the text, and questions on comprehension may be put, and the pupils may be asked to answer the questions. If the answers to the questions are satisfactory, it is an indication that the pupils could understand what they have read. At first known and familiar passages should be given for reading, later unknown passages which are suitable to the pupils standard also may be given.
                                2.            Jumbled Sentences
                   Another way of giving practice in reading comprehension is to set a number of jumbled sentences after the passage. The pupils may be asked to read the passage quickly and then arrange the jumbled sentences in the sequential order. Here also specific time should be set.
                               3.            Linkage Devices
                    After the pupils read the passage thoroughly, they may be asked to give the meaning of a word or phrase or an idiom or sentence from the context of the sentence. This they can do only if they were to understand the meaning of each and every word they read while going through the passage.
                             4.            Filling the Blanks
                   Another device is selecting a few sentences from the given passage for reading leaving blanks. A few words which look similar in meaning (synonyms) may be set the end of every sentence. The pupils should be asked to select the right word from those provided and fill in the blanks. This should be done within a stipulated time.
                             5.            Translation
                   The pupils may be asked to go through the passage and translate it into their. If the pupils could translate the passage into their mother tongue satisfactorily, it indicates their comprehension of the passage. Here unknown passages suitable to the standard of  the pupils may be set. Time also should be set within which they have to do the exercise.
                             6.            Competitions
                   By using one of the above strategies or by using them alternatively competitions among the pupils may be conducted now and them foe developing their reading comprehension skill. Competitions develop a competitive spirit among the children and go a long way in developing the needed skill.
                   In addition the English teacher should encourage the pupils to cultivate the habit of referring to a dictionary whenever they come across a word the meaning of which they cannot guess from the context. A learner who makes good use of a dictionary would be able to continue learning outside the classroom.
                    11 elements of current writing instruction found to be effective for helping students learn to write well and to use writing as a tool for learning.
                         1.      Writing Strategies, which involves teaching students strategies for planning, revising and editing their compositions
                         2.      Summarization, which involves explicitly and systematically teaching students how to summarize texts
                        3.      Collaborative Writing, which uses instructional arrangements in which adolescents work together to plan, draft, revise and edit their compositions
                       4.      Specific Product Goals, which assigns students specific, reachable goals for the writing they are to complete.
                       5.      Word Processing, which uses computers and word processors as instructional supports or writing assignments
                      6.      Sentence combining, this involves teaching students to construct complex, sophisticated sentences
                      7.      Prewriting, which engages students in activities designed to help them generate or organize ideas for their composition
                     8.      Inquiry Activities, which engages students in analyzing immediate, concrete data to help them develop ideas and content for a particular writing task.
                    9.      Process Writing Approach, which interweaves a number of writing instructional activities in a workshop environments that stresses extended writing opportunities, writing for authentic audiences, personalized instruction and cycles of written.
                   10.  Study of Models, which provides students with opportunities to read, analyze and emulate models of good writing
                   11.  Writing for Content Learning, which uses writing as a tool for learning content material.

Review Questions
Paragraph Questions
                    1.      What is reading? What are the sub skills of Reading?
                     2.      What is Writing? What are the sub skills of Writing?
                     3.      Write the Mechanics of Writing?
                    4.      Differentiate between intensive and extensive reading.
                   5.      Differentiate among guided, free and controlled compositions.
                   6.      What are characteristics of good handwriting?
                   7.      What steps would you take to improve the handwriting of your pupils at the early stages?
Essay Questions:
                   1.      What is the importance of reading in language learning? What are the different methods of teaching methods of teaching reading?
                  2.      Write some activities to develop reading skills among in your students?
                  3.      Write some activities to develop writing skills among in your students?

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