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Get the best possible FREE NOTES -VEDIOES .B.Ed Notes for Andra Pradesh States. English Grammer Notes.CHSE | ICSE | CBSE Notes Class 6 to 12 .

  • November 06, 2019


  • The average duration of human pregnancy is about 9 months called as the gestation period.
  • Vigorous contraction of the uterus atthe end of pregnancy causes expulsion/delivery of the fetuscalled as parturition.
  • The signals for parturition originate from the fully developed fetus and the placenta which induces mild uterine contraction is called fetal ejection reflex.
  • Fetal ejection reflex releases oxytocin hormone from the pituitary gland of mother which acts on the uterine muscle and causes contraction of uterus which in turn stimulates further oxytocin secretion.
  • Production of milk at the end of pregnancy by the differentiation of mammary glands is called lactation.
  • He milk produced during the first few days of lactation is called colostrum.
  • Colostrum contains antibodies necessary to develop resistance against diseases of the new born baby.
fig. parturition  
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