Amorphous Solids
- The term amorphous solid is derived form a Greek word amorphous meaning no form.
- The constituent particles are arranged in a short range order with a regular and periodically repeating pattern over short distances.
- These solids get softened at a certain temperature and hence can be moulded and drawn into various desired shapes. Solids may also acquire crystalline form at some temperature when heated.
- These solids have the ability to flow very slowly due to which they are also termed as pseudo solids or super cooled liquids.
- These solids are isotropic in nature due to the absence of long range order and irregular arrangement of the constituent particles in all direction. This leads to same value of physical property along all the direction.

Fig. Irregular arrangement of particles in an amorphous solid
- Glass, rubber, amorphous silicon and plastics are typical examples of amorphous solids.
- Amorphous silicon is a photovoltaic material widely used for conversion of sunlight into electricity.

Fig. The glass used in making glassware, rubber used in making hot water bags and cotton candy are amorphous solids