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  • October 30, 2019

To explain the overall growth process, it is very essential to know about the principles or patterns of characteristics of growth and development.

1. The Principle of uniform development pattern ; 
     In human being, the process of growth and development follows a definite pattern. All the development directions and sequences are almost the same for all children, but each child follows his own time schedule of growth

2. The principle of development speed variation :
     It is observed that the growth and development becomes very rapid in infancy or early years of life and later the speed decreases.(Rapid from birth to 2 years, and 11-15 years)

3. The principle of development direction :
    The growth and development has got its own direction. It follows cephalocandal sequence, which means that the human beings  grow from head downwards. First of body & legs occur. The child first attempt to move his head and then try to sit,walk or run. This principle is based on physical development of human beings. It is also known as principle "from the head tailward".

4. The principle of proximodistal sequence :
     It means that the development takes place from center to periphery gradients. The spinal coed of the child develops first and then the outward development of heart and chest etc. takes place.

5. The principle of continuity :
    The process of growth and development continues from birth to death in some or the other form. The rate of development process may not be even but it never stops until the mental and physical traits reach to their maximum in the individual.

6.The principle of general to specific development :
    Development proceeds from general to specific e.g., the child learns first general concepts and then makes depth or specific studies. The child learn to control his full hand and later he tries to control on the movement of the fingers on his hands.

7. The principle of total development :
    The development term does not mean only the physical development, but includes mental, social, emotional & cultural etc. All these types of development are interrelated and interdependent. It is an unifying process of all types of growth and development.

8. The principle of maturation and learning :
    Both learning and maturation are interrelated factors at work. Every development has got their own limit. The child may be matured for something and may not be matured for others. Therefore, the theory of development emphasizes on the factor of maturation, adjustment, requirement & opportunities for learning accordingly. The efforts of coaching etc. to accelerate the learning are not desirable till the child gets proper maturity for the purpose. The level of maturity in children varies.

9. The principle of prediction :
    This principle conveys us that the growth and development is predictable. We can predict something regarding the mental, social or emotional development of the persons by studying the rate of their developments in previous years.

10. The principle of comulation & recapitulation :
      The development is always comulative and recapitulation. It is the sum total number of events & experience of child and is not based on single event or change. Development is called racapitulatory because the characteristics of one stage can be establised in other stage. E.g., Self-love of earlier years may also be observed in the adolescent years.   

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